
Mafia console game written in Java

Primary LanguageJava

Mafia Console Game

Chat room during day

chat in game

Voting process

voting in game

News section

news section in game

God father role

god father decisions in game

Server Side

Compile server side code

javac -cp .;gson-2.8.6.jar Main.java

javac -cp .;gson-2.8.6.jar GameServer.java

Run server side code

Bellow command will start 4 game servers on ports 2222,3333,4444,5555 that clients can connect.

java -cp .;gson-2.8.6.jar Main

Bellow command will lauch only 1 server on port 3333 that clients can connect.

java -cp .;gson-2.8.6.jar GameServer 33333

Client Side

Compile client side code

javac -cp .;gson-2.8.6.jar GameClient.java

Run client side code

java -cp .;gson-2.8.6.jar GameClient localhost 3333

Compile in VsCode

to compile in VsCode press ctrl+p then type bellow command

task build client