
IndexError when performing SCCAF cluster analysis

leomorelli opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, I'm new in the field so I may, so I do apologize for errors I may have committed. My problem is that when I perform the cluster analysis step with SCCAF an IndexError occurs:


ad.obs['L1_Round0'] = ad.obs['leiden']

SCCAF_optimize_all(min_acc=0.9,ad=ad, use='pca',basis ='umap')
541 mask = adata.obs[key].cat.categories[imask] == adata.obs[key].values
--> 542 color = adata.uns[key + '_colors'][imask]
543 if not isinstance(color[0], str):
544 from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex

IndexError: list index out of range

The following list represents what it is stored in ad.uns['L1_Round0_self-projection_colors']:


I'm not sure if I've made a mistake somewhere in the analysis but I am grateful for any hints.
Thank you!