- 0
- 0
Plot Refactoring
#260 opened by pabloitu - 1
EvaluationResult of T-test (and W-test) do not contain the original percentile/alpha value
#262 opened by pabloitu - 0
Error with importing scipy.integrate.cumtrapz
#264 opened by pabloitu - 0
- 0
Link to CSEP Website
#256 opened by pabloitu - 0
EvaluationResult of Negative Binomial number test should return variance / alpha
#261 opened by pabloitu - 0
Basemaps downloading requires a timeout option
#258 opened by pabloitu - 0
- 3
catalog-based m-test
#196 opened by wsavran - 1
add windows in tests-gh-actions CI
#237 opened by pabloitu - 1
use mamba for release ci/cd on pypi pipeline
#234 opened by wsavran - 9
- 4
Plot comparison test failing
#214 opened by wsavran - 0
#241 opened by pjmaechling - 0
Bug with Negative Binomial N-test consistency plot
#236 opened by pabloitu - 3
Change name of main branch
#220 opened by pjmaechling - 2
failing documentation
#240 opened by wsavran - 7
Error loading historical catalog
#223 opened by allenos-usgs - 2
change "base" branch name to "main"
#224 opened by pjmaechling - 0
Stable API ready for version 1.0.0
#239 opened by pjmaechling - 0
- 1
- 0
numpy deprecated function
#218 opened by pabloitu - 1
- 1
Error building pycsep on
#219 opened by pjmaechling - 0
migrate pycsep to cseptesting repo
#221 opened by pjmaechling - 0
Add binomial_evaluations to top-level
#215 opened by wsavran - 0
Catalog-Based Forecast for Global Region
#211 opened by xsg13 - 0
build and docs failing due to plotting functions
#203 opened by wsavran - 8
Dealing with dependencies in pyCSEP
#192 opened by wsavran - 0
CatalogForecast has high memory usage
#204 opened by wsavran - 2
forecast load_ascii creates non-valid region polygons
#200 opened by pabloitu - 2
region borders misplot for concave regions
#197 opened by pabloitu - 4
import csep failing
#168 opened by wsavran - 1
version v0.7.0 roadmap
#195 opened by wsavran - 2
cookbook with recipes in main repo
#174 opened by wsavran - 4
optimize catalog processing
#179 opened by wsavran - 1
global region does not support different resolutiosn
#187 opened by pabloitu - 0
failing docs locally and in ci builds
#194 opened by wsavran - 4
add new-zealand and japan testing regions
#176 opened by wsavran - 1
Publish docker image with release
#191 opened by wsavran - 0
support hdf5
#193 opened by wsavran - 1
remove save_fig from plot functions.
#188 opened by pabloitu - 1
- 15
JOSS Review Thread
#163 opened by mbarall - 3
Help with import csep
#177 opened by sbaccari - 6
Plotting tutorials?
#164 opened by nvanderelst - 1
README link to issues is broken
#167 opened by pjmaechling - 1
docs build failing
#158 opened by wsavran