
:octocat: Github webhooks using Flask.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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GitHub webhooks using Flask.

This tool receives webhooks from GitHub and passes the data along to a user-defined function. It validates the HMAC signature, and checks that the originating IP address comes from the GitHub IP block.

Supports Flask >= 0.9


$ pip install Flask-Hookserver


from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.hookserver import Hooks

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['GITHUB_WEBHOOKS_KEY'] = 'my_secret_key'

hooks = Hooks(app, url='/hooks')

def ping(data, guid):
    return 'pong'


And there we go! localhost:8000/hooks will now accept GitHub webhook events.


Signature and IP validation are both optional, but turned on by default. They can each be turned off with a config flag.

app = HookServer(__name__)
app.config['VALIDATE_IP'] = False
app.config['VALIDATE_SIGNATURE'] = False

If VALIDATE_SIGNATURE is set to True, you need to supply the secret key in app.config['GITHUB_WEBHOOKS_KEY'].


If anything goes wrong, a regular HTTPException will be raised. Possible errors include:

  • 400: Some headers are missing
  • 400: The request body isn't valid JSON
  • 400: The signature is missing or incorrect
  • 403: The request originated from an invalid IP address
  • 503: Could not download the valid webhooks IP block from GitHub