
My solution of Practical Reinforcement Learning by National Research University Higher School of Economics via Coursera

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My solution of Practical Reinforcement Learning by National Research University Higher School of Economics via Coursera.

The GitHub version of the course.

Week 1: Intro

  • Reinforcement Learning
    • Multi-armed bandit
    • Decision process & applications
  • Black box optimization
    • Markov decision process (MDP)
    • Crossentropy method
      • rollout experiences with stochastic policy $\pi_i$
      • store <s,a> pair of better reward as elite
      • update policy $\pi_{i+1}$ proportional to the occurrences of <s,a> pair in elite group
    • Approximate crossentropy method *
  • Evolution strategies


  • Practice basic interface of OpenAI gym environment.


  • Solved 'Taxi-v3' with crossentropy method with a table representation of policy.


  • Approximate the policy of a continuous state space game 'CartPole-v0' by multi-layer neural network (MLP)
  • Train the MLP with elite <s,a> pair selected by crossentropy method

Week 2: Dynamic Programming

  • Reward
    • Reward design
    • Discount reward
  • Bellman equations
    • Value functions
    • State action value function
  • Generalized policy iteration
    • Policy evaluation & improvement
    • Policy and value iteration


  • Implemented value iteration algorithm to solve MDP problem
    • $V_{i+1}(s) = max_a \Sigma_{s'} P(s'|s,a)\cdot [r(s,a,s')+\gamma V_i(s')]$

Week 3: Model-free Methods

  • Model-free learning
    • Monte-Carlo & temporal difference; Q-learning
    • Exploration vs exploitation
  • On-policy vs off-policy


  • implement vanilla Q-learning algorithm
    • $Q(s,a) \leftarrow (1-\alpha)Q(s,a) + alpha *(r+\gamma V(s'))$
  • on both discrete state space environment 'Taxi-v3' and discretized continuous state space environment 'CartPole-v0'


  • implement Expected Value SARSA algorithm
    • sample <s,a,r,s'> from environment
    • $\hat{Q}(s,a) = r(s,a) + r\mathbb{E}_{a_i \sim \pi(a|s')}Q(s',a_i)$ with probability of $a_i \sim \pi(a|s')$ being $(1-\epsilon)$ optimal action and $\epsilon$ random action
    • update $Q(s,a) \leftarrow (1-\alpha)Q(s,a) + \alpha\hat{Q}(s,a)$
  • compare the learning curve of Q-learning and SARSA


  • implement experiment replay for off-line policy, Q-learning in this implementation

Week 4: Approximate Value Based Methods

  • Limitations of tabular methods
  • Deep Q-network


  • implement a neural network to approximate the action-value function $Q(s,a)$
  • solving continuous state space environment 'CartPole-v0'

dqn_atari_pytorch.ipynb (not finished)

  • implement DQN for 'BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4' environment
    • image processing
    • frame buffer
    • deep Q-network
    • experience replay
    • target networks

Week 5: Policy-based Methods

  • Policy-based RL vs value-based RL
    • policy gradient
    • $\nabla_\theta\hat{J}(\theta) \approx \frac{1}{N}\Sigma_{s_i,a_i}\nabla_\theta \log\pi_\theta(a_i|s_i) \cdot G_t(s_i,a_i)$
  • Actor-critic method
    • advantage actor-critic


  • implement policy gradient method REINFORCE to solve 'CartPole-v0'

Week 6: Exploration

  • Measuring the quality of exploration
    • Regret
  • Uncertainty-based exploration
    • Thompson sampling: sample while taking into account actual distribution of rewards
    • Optimism in the face of uncertainty
    • UCB-1: select among actions that are uncertain or have potential to be optimal
    • Bayesian UCB
  • Planning with Monte Carlo tree search
    • MCTS
      • selection: from root state recursively select node (next state by action) with exploration strategies (tree policy)
      • expansion: expand the node with feasible actions
      • simulation: estimate the value of the node by a rollout policy or some estimation model
      • backpropagation: propagate the estimation of action-state value to upper node utile root


  • implement exploration strategies for bernoulli bandit
    • epsilon-greedy agent
    • UCB agent
    • Thompson sampling


  • implement Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm to plan and solve the 'CartPole-v0' task
    • selection (tree policy) is explored by UCB1
    • simulation is rollout by random selection of actions