Where we lay a foundation, document practices, share data and push forward...
Things of interest here could include:
- Blog Posts
- Checklists
- Selected Datasets
- Guides to Datasets and Presentation
- Tools and Scripts for Working with Data
We bring data analysis, graphics, public records and traditional shoe leather reporting to KPCC's journalism — from long-term investigative projects to dailies.
What we're ready to do:
- Report data-driven stories for KPCC's website and broadcast.
- Collaborate on reporting, stories and projects with reporters.
- Offer advice on how to request records and data, find and clean datasets and check findings.
- Brainstorm how to present findings and data whether in a narrative and visual forms.
- Recommend data to use to make apples-to-apples comparisons, data sources to shy away from and how to understand limitations.
- Offer insight about our work.
- Ask "Who is our audience?", "What do they need?" and "What can we make?"
- Figure out how to build databases when what we need doesn't exist yet.
- Share and create tools that make life easier for reporters and editors.
What we shy away from:
- Being a service desk where you drop off a spreadsheet and continue on your way.
- The place where you go when you "want a map" for a story.
Projects & News applications
These compendium is based largely on the work by Investigative News Network and others, and shares their aim to formalize work and leave a roadmap for others to follow. For their work and inspiration we are thankful.
- Investigative News Network
- ProPublica's News App and Data Style Guides
- The NPR Visuals Team's app template, coding best practices and manifesto
- Guides and Process Docs from The Chicago Tribune's News Apps Team
- MinnPost's UI Style Guide
- Noah Veltman's Principles for making things for the web
- POLITICO Interactive News developer guide