
Primary LanguagePython

This code is for paper "Explainable Natural Language Inference via Identifying Important Rationales".

  1. To run this code, you should obtain the data from https://github.com/OanaMariaCamburu/e-SNLI, and put the datas in the 'datas/raw_datas/' directory. Then process these data by run the 'process_data.py';

  2. go to the file of 'rationale_extra' and run the train.py and then the predict.py to predict the rationales;

  3. go to the file of 'rationales_sel' and run the main_selector.py to selector the rationales;

  4. go to the file of 'generator' and

    4.1 finetune the GPT2 model: run the 'prepare_data_for_finetune.py' and 'GPT2_finetune_lm.py';

    4.2 generate the NLEs by the finetuned model: run the 'prepare_data_for_generation.py' and 'GPT2_generate.py';

  5. go to the file of 'classify', and run the 'prepare_data_task_pred.py' to prepare data for train. Then, run the 'main_classify.py' to obtain the prediction results.

Note: All parameters use default values, and you can also set them at runtime.

After running the above code correctly, you will get the following files in the 'datas/snli_data_dir/' directory



This repo is built upon the following work:

    LIREx: Augmenting Language Inference with Relevant Explanations.

Many thanks to the authors and developers!