
A tool that run BWA-MEM in Spark

Primary LanguagePython


A tool that run BWA-MEM in Spark


Anaconda 2018.12
libffi 3.2.1
libgcc-ng 8.2.0
libgcrypt 1.8.4
libgpg-error 1.32
libgsasl 1.8.0
libhdfs3 2.3.0
libntlm 1.4
libprotobuf 3.6.0
libssh2 1.8.0
libstdcxx-ng 8.2.0
libuuid 1.0.3
libxml2 2.9.9
ncurses 6.1
openssl 1.1.1a
pip 18.1
python 2.7.15
readline 7.0
setuptools 40.6.3
sqlite 3.26.0
tk 8.6.8
wheel 0.32.3
xz 5.2.4
zlib 1.2.11

Download, Compile and comfigure

git clone https://github.com/neozhang307/pipeMEM.git

  1. Install Anaconda and load requirements.txt in the root directory.

Run bash graddlew build to build file

  1. Install bwa and save it in a directory that can be access by all nodes.

  2. Use bwa to generate indexes and save them in a directory that can be access by all nodes.

  3. Move execute_pair_end_mem.sh.sample(for paired end) or execute_single_end_mem.sh.sample (for single end) to the the directory that can be access by all nodes. And change the bwa program location and indexes file location inside.

  4. Change the pipemem.env file according to the system environment.


After setting pipemem.env, you can run PreProcess.py with:

python PreProcess.py -s fasqfile
python PreProcess.py -p fasqfile1 fastqfile2

Please change the fastqfile to where you saved these input files.

Main Computation

You can either run

python GenerateSparkScript.py

To generate script based on the pipemem.env file or edit the runspark.sh.sample file directly.

Please make sure that the execute_pair_end_mem.sh.sample(for paired end) or execute_single_end_mem.sh.sample(for single end) file is putted in a location that every nodes are able to access, and change pipemem.env or runspark.sh.sample accordingly.

Run bash runspark.sh to start the main computation.

Use AWS with pipeMEM

create a cluster

You can create a spark cluster in the following address


For software configuration, choose Spark

For instance setting, we recommend m5.xlarge

You can use default setting for other part.

Use Elastic Storage

You can create an elastic storage in the following address.


Make sure that the EFS is in the same security group as cluster nodes.

You can mount EFS to every node and access it, following the instructions of Amazon.

Create user file in HDFS

There is no user directory by default. So please create it with the following command:

sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -mkdir /user/ec2-user
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown ec2-user /user/ec2-user