
Simub plugin to make changeable fields on the dash board.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Dash menu

This plugin allows you to create and display customizable data fields on the dashboard. These fields are easy to change, even during a race, eliminating the need for multiple dashboards for different car types.

Demo that shows fields can be changed and amount of fields can be changes as well Demo of the testing dashboard found in the repo.

This plugin is still a work in progress and a changes to the implementation of field and UI can happen.


Known issue 🐛

After using new fields for the first time for a game. Simhub needs to be restarted for the settings to work properly.


When using a car for the first time, a default number of empty fields will be created. These fields can then be adjusted to display the relevant data for the car. It is also possible to set a default set of field that will be used instead of the empty fields. The number of fields can also be changed as needed.

When using a car that has already been set up, it will use the latest settings for that car.

Install plugin

To install the plugin:

  1. Download the newest DashMenu.dll file.
  2. Paste the DLL file into the root directory of Simhub: C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub.

Install Extension fields

This plugin supports an expandable approach, similar to Simhub plugins, for adding more extension fields:

  1. Create a folder named DashMenuExtensionFields in the root directory of Simhub.
  2. Place any additional dash menu extension field DLL files into this folder.

The DLL files placed in this folder will be loaded when starting Simhub.

To get started you can use this CommonExtensionFields.dll file.

Configure Control Mapping

After installing the plugin and additional fields, you need to configure the control mapping to manage actions. This is done in the "Controls and Events" menu.

  1. Select the "Controls and Events" menu.
  2. Navigate to the "Controls" tab.
  3. Select 'New mapping', search for the action, and assign a button.

Repeat step 3 for all required actions.

Available Actions:

Name Required Description
ToggleConfigMode ✔️ Toggle configuration mode
ChangeFieldType Change field type for configuration mode ( Change between Data field and Gauge fields)
ConfigNextField ✔️ Select next field when in configuration mode
ConfigPrevField Select previous field when in configuration mode
ChangeFieldTypeNext ✔️ Change field type of the selected field when in configuration mode
ChangeFieldTypePrev Change field type of the selected field when in configuration mode
IncreaseNumberOfField Increase number of fields for the current car (maximum 20)
DecreaseNumberOfField Decrease number of fields for the current car (minimum 1)

Select "Controls and events" menu then "Controls" tab and click the "New mapping" button.

After installing the plugin and extension fields and mapping of required controls, you are good to go and use dashboards that implement this plugin.

Using in Dashboard

Data field

You can access the fields in Dash Studio using the NCalc or JavaScript function that are listed below. They can also be found in the function NCalc Functions list 😎 You can access all the fields properties within Dash Studio using the NCalc functions. See the table below.

Function Arguments Description
dashfielddataname index Returns the name of the data field of the specified field.
dashfielddatavalue index Returns the value of the data field of the specified field.
dashfielddatadecimal index Returns the number of decimals the value has of the data field of the specified field.
dashfielddataunit index Returns the unit of the data field of the specified field.
dashfielddatacolorprimary index Returns the primary color of the data field of the specified field.
dashfielddatacoloraccent index Returns the accent color of the data field of the specified field.

Example how to get the name of the first data field.

Example how to use the NCalc function for data field

To get the number of data fields for the current car, use the property AmountOfDataFields.


Alerts are when a data field have changed and will be displayed on the dashboard for a short amount of time. To the the latest alert use the NCalc or JavaScript functions.

Function Arguments Description
dashalertshow Returns true when an alert is present.
dashalertname Returns the name of latest alert.
dashalertvalue Returns the value of latest alert.
dashalertunit Returns the unit of latest alert.
dashalertcolorprimary Returns the primary color of latest alert.
dashalertcoloraccent Returns the accent color of latest alert.

Gauge field

The gauge field have some of the same properties as the Data field and more, the gauge field is intended to be used with linear or circular gauges. You can access all the fields properties within Dash Studio using NCalc functions. See the table below.

Function Arguments Description
dashfieldgaugename index Return the name of the gauge field of the specified field.
dashfieldgaugevalue index Return the value of the gauge field of the specified field.
dashfieldgaugedecimal index Returns the number of decimals the value has of the gauge field of the specified field.
dashfieldgaugeunit index Return the unit of the gauge field of the specified field.
dashfieldgaugemaximum index Return the maximum value of the gauge field of the specified field.
dashfieldgaugeminimum index Return the minimum value of the gauge field of the specified field.
dashfieldgaugestep index Return the step value of the gauge field of the specified field.
dashfieldgaugecolorprimary index Return the primary color of the gauge field of the specified field.
dashfieldgaugecoloraccent index Return the accent color of the gauge field of the specified field.

Example how to get the value and unit of the first gauge field.

Example how to use the NCalc function for gauge field

To get the number of data fields for the current car, use the property AmountOfGaugeFields.

Config screen

It's possible to make a configuration screen by using the the following properties:

  • ConfigMode is true when it's possible to navigate and change the configuration of the displayed fields.
  • ActiveConfigField is the current index of the displayed field that can be changed.
  • FieldType is the type of field that is in configuration mode. It can have the value Data or Gauge.

Changes are automatically saved, and it is not possible to undo changes to the configuration except by manually reverting the changes yourself.

Change amount of fields

In the Dash field and Gauge field tab, you can adjust the default amount of fields to use when setting up a new car. You can choose any number between 1 and 20.

You can change the number of fields for the current car by assigning the IncreaseNumberOfField and DecreaseNumberOfField actions. When using a new car, the fields will be created with the default number of fields or the default set of fields. When increasing the number of fields, the new field will be added at the end, and existing fields will remain unchanged. When decreasing the number of fields, the last field will be removed. The other fields won't be affected.


You can change or configure various settings for the fields.

Configuration of fields

More information can be found for the specific topics See list below.
