
In this deliverable, we'll use Express routes to work our way through various types of fruit.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🍍🍇🍐 Express Fruits 🍓🍌🥭



It's time to get some practice setting up an express server and writing a few routes. Feel free to test these routes either with the browser's navbar, a small node script using axios or a toy react app with connected with axios. We'll also be working with the data array in fruits.js to practice our routes.

Getting Started

  • Fork and clone this repo
  • cd into the repo
  • touch index.js to create an entry point for your server
  • Run npm init -y to initialize your project as a Node.js project
  • Install express with npm i express
  • We'll install nodemon with npm i nodemon --save-dev to save it as a dev dependency
  • Add start and dev scripts to package.json that will run on your server's entry point:
     "scripts": {
     	"start": "node index.js",
     	"dev": "nodemon index.js"
  • touch .gitignore


Set up an Express server

Let's write the boilerplate for an express server:

  • First, import express by requiring it at the top of index.js with:
     const express = require('express');
  • Next, import fruits from fruits.js.
     const fruits = require('./fruits');
  • Go ahead and define a PORT constant variable:
     const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3001;
  • Init an app instance below your initial imports:
     const app = express();
  • You may want to create some space between your app instance and the step below since we'll be writing routes in between them shortly.
  • Finally, bind the app to a port with app.listen() at the bottom of the file:
     app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Serving up delicious fruits on port ${PORT} 🍒`))

Now start the server from the terminal with npm run dev. If all goes well, you should see the message from the console log above in the console. Don't stop the server until you are done writing code or unless you just want to restart it. If you save the index.js file the server should automatically re-load the changes and restart since we're using nodemon in our dev script in package.json.

Adding Basic Routes

Start off by defining a simple ping-pong GET route:

app.get('/ping', (req, res) => {
  • Try to test this route out by navigating to http://localhost:3001/ping with your web browser.
  • Alternatively, you could test this route by using a tool like Insomnia to make a GET request to the same URL.

Now that's what I call computer ping-pong! Let's create a few more routes to ping our express server with below. Before doing so, let's recall the basic syntax for an express GET route method made with an instance of express. In this case app is our express instance:

app.get('/someroute', (req, res) => {
  // do something here if necessary before the response
  // send data back in response to the incoming request
Notes on the GET route method if you'd like more information

Routes are the first argument of the .get() method

  • Routes are always strings denoting URL parameters

    // The route of a GET request method
    app.get('/someroute', // callback here

The .get() method requires a callback function as its second argument. In the arguments for this callback function, we'll always pass the Request followed by the Response object, typically with (req, res) for shorthand.

  • Inside the callback, we'll typically send some sort of responseData (strings, arrays, objects, booleans, numbers) related to the incoming request with the response object's .send() method

    // The callback function within a GET request method
    (req, res) => {
  • Now, putting it all together:

    app.get('/someroute', (req, res) => {


GET /greet/:name should return a greeting with the supplied name, e.g., 'Why hello there, <name>!'

Recall you can access the URL parameters with req.params


GET /five should return an array of the numbers from 1-5

Remember that you can create variables above your response


GET /evens/:n should return an array of even numbers from 2 up to and including n. So when you call this route, n in the URL should be a number.

Also, you may need to use parseInt() to cast the supplied n parameter to a number when adding it to your array


GET /namelength/:name should return the length of the supplied name in the URL params

Fruit Routes


GET /fruits should return an array with all the fruits.

Let's add a route that retrieves all of the fruits (the whole array) from our fruits.js file. Recall we imported it on top of our index.js.

app.get('/fruits', (req, res) => {
  //your code here 


Now let's add a route that takes a route parameter name and retrieves the fruit that matches the supplied name.

app.get('/fruits/:name', (req, res) => {
  //your code here
  // HINT - you can use a higher-order array method 

Recall you can access the URL parameters with req.params.

However, you might notice that the fruit names in fruits.js are Capitalized. You could send a Capitalized string in the URL params to make it work, but what if you wanted to make sure your params worked every time?

  • One useful string method to look into here might be .toLowerCase()
  • If you aren't familiar with it, .find() may also be useful somewhere in this function


  • The project must be initialized with npm init and set up as an express app.
  • All routes should be working on http://localhost:3001/
  • All routes must send the proper data specified for the route using express's request and response objects


GET /fruits/sort should return the fruits array sorted alphabetically using .sort().

app.get('/fruits/sort', (req, res) => {
  // implement sort

Secret Bonus

What if we wanted to add a catch-all route to our express app so some crazy fruit ninja doesn't go breaking things?

To prepare for that, let's add this quick route at the very bottom of our routes, just above app.listen()

app.get('*', (req, res) => {
  res.send('404 Not Found')

A couple important things to note:

  • The * used for a route will cover any route request made to our server, meaning that it will respond with this 404 message for any URL param chained on to http://localhost:3001
  • That being said, since it will respond to any route, we put it at the bottom of our server, so our other routes are still accessible while routes that don't exist will be sent to an error message
  • Use it wisely if you choose to

great power

Submission Guidelines

  • Pull Request must be submitted utilizing these guidelines: PR Guidelines
