
In this lab, we'll use provided state and a form to conditionally render different components based on user input.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Conditional Rendering Lab



In this lab, we'll be working with a provided sign-up form to conditionally render components based on the user's input.

Getting Started

  • Fork and Clone
  • cd into u2_lab_conditional_rendering
  • npm i


Using the provided components, create an environment where:

  • The Next button is not clickable unless all 3 fields have user input
  • The Thanks component renders when a user over the age of 18 signs up
  • The ErrorPage component renders when a user under the age of 18 tries to sign up


  • Take a look at what is already provided in the app. Using the state we have, how could we decide which components to render under certain conditions?
  • Consider the many conditional statements we've used throughout this course (if/else, switch, ternary). Which would be best for this situation?
  • The app will not render any components until you've called them in the Form.jsx render statement...
  • The majority of your work will be done in Form.jsx.
  • Make sure to pass in a name and value attribute to your inputs like so:
<input name="someKeyInFormState" value={props.someValueFromFormState} />


  • Configure the Back buttons to reset the state and return to the welcome page. Maybe a helper method in the App component could be useful?
  • Style it up!
