
This is the project built using Python and its libraries

Primary LanguagePython


This is the project built using Python and its libraries

Steps for using this project

 git clone https://github.com/SDE-Arun/Face_Recognition_Attendance_System.git

Things to do before running the project

** make sure you have python installed in your system and also install mysql in your system and make the table and databse as mentioned below

** Also make sure that you have installed all the dependencies/libraries in your system using pip install command

** Delete all the content of the classifier.xml file, because it contain the data of my face, so you need to train your own face and then it will save automatically in the classifier.xml file

** Create a folder name "Data_Images" in your root folder, this folder contain the images of the students. It will save all the images of the students in this folder.

 Then project will be in your system then run the main.py  If it run successfully then good, other install all the dependencies/libraries in your system using pip and search for the command from google

 after that you need to make two table after installing mysql in your local device  one table for login and other table for the student registration

Please keep in mind that the table_name and the fields name must remain same, if you want to change them then you also need to change them in your all code. These are the structure of the tables and database_name is login_table


login_table  DB Register table for login student_details  table for adding students details

Table structure for the login and its column datatypes image image

Table structure for the adding students and its column datatypes image image

!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?~`-=[];',./ If you face any problem, feel free to contact me on my email id:arunjazzy2511@gmail.com