Probabilistic InSAR Time Series Analysis

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Probabilistic InSAR Time Series Analysis

Tool(s) for working with InSAR time series data from TRE.

PITSA reorganizes shapefiles of SqueeSAR data from TRE. Measuring points (MPs) and their attributes are stored in a geopackage file, as well as additional statistics calculated by PITSA. An optional timeseries database can also be created. This is necessary to use the plotting features in PITSA.


PITSA is a single entry-point application with several sub-commands. Here's the help text for the main application:

(pitsa) C:\dev\pitsa>subl README.md

(pitsa) C:\dev\pitsa>pitsa --help
'pitsa' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

(pitsa) C:\dev\pitsa>python pitsa.py --help
Usage: pitsa.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  PITSA - Probabilistic InSAR Time Series Analysis

  --start TEXT  Start date of time series. On the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
  --stop TEXT   Stop date of time series. On the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
  --help        Show this message and exit.

  createdb  Create a Geopackage database from the base directory of a...
  plot2d    Plot time series and related fits for a given point Example...
  plotlos   Plot time series and related fits for a given point Example...

Create database

To create a new geopackage database of all the MPs in the SqueeSAR dataset the createdb subcommand can be used. PITSA expects the SqueeSAR data to be organized in the following folder structure:


Where flies in the LOS folder should follow the naming convention: DENMARK_SNT_T<track_no>_<geometry>_<sensorinfo>.shp and DENMARK_SNT_T<track_no>_<geometry>_<sensorinfo>_CAL_GNSS.shp, e.g. DENMARK_SNT_T117_A_IT902A5S.shp and DENMARK_SNT_T117_A_IT902A5S_CAL_GNSS.shp. Note that LOS files come in pairs of two, with one being uncalibrated data and the other being GNSS calibrated data.

In the 2D folder the following files are expected:


The help text for the createdb subcommand is as follows:

(pitsa) C:\dev\pitsa>python pitsa.py createdb --help
Usage: pitsa.py createdb [OPTIONS] BASEDIR DATA

  Create a Geopackage database from the base directory of a delivery from

  --ts PATH  Path to Geopackage where times series are stored
  --help     Show this message and exit.

As an example createdb can be called with:

(pitsa) C:\dev\pitsa>python pitsa.py createdb insar.gpkg --ts ts.gpkg

which will create both a geopackage holding the MPs and a geopackage containing all time series for said MPs.


The plot* commands open a window with a plot of a time series and some relevant statistics for a particular point in the input dataset. The help text for the plotlos subcommand is as follows:

(pitsa) C:\dev\pitsa>python pitsa.py plotlos --help
Usage: pitsa.py plotlos [OPTIONS] DATABASE CODE

  Plot time series and related fits for a given point

  Example points:


  -c, --calibrated  Plot based on calibrated values
  --help            Show this message and exit.

and here is an example call:

(pitsa) python pitsa.py plotlos ts.gpkg KHZAAYE

which result in the following plot:

LoS plot

Similarly a plot of a 2D timeseries can be made with

2D plot


The application is best run from the Anaconda python environment. First, create a new env:

> conda env create -f environment.yml

In the pitsa directory you can now run PITSA:

> python pitsa.py ...

QGIS integration

Rudimentary QGIS integration is also included with PITSA. in qgis_styles a few style files are stored that can be used to quickly set up layers of the MP dataset. Simply add layers from the MP geopackage file and add the style (right click the layer, select properties, find the style-button and select "load style"). Once a style is added to a layer it is possible to plot the time series of the point by right clicking using the info tool and selecting "plot time series ...".

For this to work you need to make sure that the path to the time series database in the pythoncode that invokes the plots is correct. For each layer go to properties -> Actions and double-click an action. This opens the code editor where the path of DB should be changed to fit your setup.

It may be necessary to install matplotlib and scipy in your QGIS Python environment. In a OSGeo4W installtion this can be done from the OSGeo4W shell by running pip install matplotlib scipy.