
A wrapper for libgav1 + Xcode project. Support SwiftPM && CocoaPods.

Primary LanguageRuby

libgav1 + Xcode

CI Status Version License Platform SwiftPM compatible

A wrapper for libgav1 + Xcode project. This enables CocoaPods && SwiftPM support.

This repo also including the CocoaPods's spec file to use libgav1.


  • iOS 8
  • macOS 10.10
  • tvOS 9.0
  • watchOS 2.0



libgav1 is available through CocoaPods.

pod 'libgav1'


libgav1 is available through Swift Package Manager.

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/SDWebImage/libgav1-Xcode", from: "0.16.3")
    // ...


Use libgav1 as you would normally, this is just a repo that adds an Xcode proj.

For Swift Package Manager user, it's recommended to use the modular import instead of C headers.

Note you should use svt_av1 instead of libgav1 when using modular import.

  • Objective-C
@import libgav1;
// or if you don't use module
#import <gav1/decoder.h>
  • Swift
import libgav1


libgav1 is available under the Apache License.