A wrapper for libwebp + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
- 2
Apple Privacy Manifest
#19 opened by carlosasmartins - 6
Support libweb 1.3.1 version
#17 opened by lukewusb - 2
call gif2webp from swift file
#15 opened by DanielZanchi - 0
#16 opened by spcompanyf15t33n - 1
Variable 'xx' may be unitialized when used here
#14 opened by Patresko - 4
iOS 15 / Xcode 13 - min target conflict
#13 opened by AlexandreHauber - 3
- 0
When I using SPM on Xcode 12, I see a warning about IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
#10 opened by trilliwon - 2
用新版 Carthage 编译出的 xcframework 无法使用
#8 opened by lexrus - 1
podspec error.
#7 opened by weiguangmeng - 1
A building error about inttypes.h.
#6 opened by SuperY - 6
Can we put the original libwebp.podspec (not json format) here for maintain ?
#1 opened by dreampiggy