
Simple full-stack Spring app that converts currencies using the exchange rate from Fixer.

Primary LanguageJava


This is a simple application that converts currencies.

Given the current exchange rate for USD to EUR is 0.96
When the user enters 100 for the amount
Then €96 is returned

Home screen for currency converter Result screen for currency converter


  1. Run the app and see how it currently functions (Go to http://localhost:8080/home)
  2. Run all the tests (right-click on the test folder and select run all tests)
  3. Make the AMoneyCalculatorShould test pass
  4. Make the AMoneyConverterShould test pass (if you have trouble place a breakpoint and run the test in debug)
  5. Replace stub in CurrencyController with call to MoneyConverter
  6. Tests should all be passing
  7. Remove @Disabled in the CurrencyExchangeBoard
  8. Sign up for an API key at https://apilayer.com/marketplace/fixer-api
  9. Get CurrencyExchangeBoard test to pass by using a REST Client (you may need to research this... remember researching is a valuable dev skill)
  10. Add a CurrencyExchangeBoard Bean to CurrencyConfig
  11. Swap the bean that MoneyConverter takes to be a CurrencyExchangeBoard implementation
  12. Run the app again, but this time you should get a different exchange rate
  13. Make a note of any missing features, error handling, etc.