
Practice using your refactoring tools with 'before' and 'after' code snippets

Primary LanguageJava

Refactoring Golf

Refactoring Golf is a game designed to stretch your refactoring muscles and get you to explore your IDE to see what’s really possible using shortcuts and automation.

This repo contains a number of 'holes', each equivalent to a 'hole' of a golf game. Your goal is to (as safely and efficiently as possible) refactor the before code to look like the after code. You must aim to do it in as few “strokes” as possible. A stroke is essentially a change made to the code, and every stroke costs you points.

You should count your score as follows:

  • 1 point for every change made to the code using a shortcut or automated IDE feature (e.g., automated refactoring, code template, or Find/Replace).
  • 2 points for every manual edit. Note that a single “edit” could cover multiple lines of code, but will be in one file.
  • Double points for every change made while the code is failing the tests from the previous change.
  • Zero points for code formatting (e.g., deleting whitespace or optimizing imports).
  • Allow yourselves two attempts at each round to determine your best score.


This code is based on an exercise designed by Jason Gorman RefactoringGolfJava