
modern python web application template: FastAPI/SQLModel for the backend, Dash for the frontend, docker/docker-compose for the infra

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

EcoDev App

This app can serve as a template. It includes some basic functionalities such as user login, customisable components such as navbar menus, and customised component builders.

Associated documentation can be found here.


  1. First create a <new-repository> in your GitHub, then follow these commands, replacing any mention of <new-repository>, with your repo name:

    # Create new folder where you would like your repo to be located on your machine
    mkdir <new-repository>; cd <new-repository>
    # Make a bare clone of this repository
    git clone https://github.com/SE-Sustainability-OSS/ecodev-app
    # Move files to parent directory
    cd .. ; mv <new-repository>/ecodev-app/* <new-repository>/
    # Delete remaining ecodev-app files
    cd <new-repository> ; rm -rf ecodev-app/
    # Remove git file
    rm -rf .git
    # Create new .git file (and optionally rename master to main)
    git init ; git branch -M main
    # Add new remote
    git remote add origin https://github.com/<user>/<new-repository>
  2. Search for and replace any references to ecodev-app and ecodev_app within the repo, with your own app name.

    • docker-compose.yml
    • docker-compose.override.yml
    • Makefile

    ⚠️ Do keep the respective - and _ used throughout

  3. Update this README.md with your own. A template is provided in README-template.md

    Feel free to remove any other markdown file (e.g. SECURITY.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, etc.) that are not applicable.

  4. Once done, create your first commit and push to your new repo, as you would normally do.

    git add . ; git commit -m 'Initial commit'
    git push origin main
  5. To run your app, follow the Local development steps below (also available in the README-template.md file)

Help, Bugs & Feedback

Product Owners: Thomas Epelbaum, Amaury Salles & Yoann Diep

If encountering any bugs, feel free to browse the issue list & contribute!

Use the docs/issues_template whenever possible. It will greatly help the developper team understand the full extent of your bug or feature request.

Local development

  1. Clone the repo and build the docker image:

    git clone git@github.com:FR-PAR-ECOACT/ecodev-app.git
  2. Create an .env file and save it under the application's root folder. It must contain the following (you have an env_template to help you):

    # App name
    app_name= template # Name of the app. Will appear on the app header.
    # API app
    app_port=8000 # API app port number. Remove this entry in production
    fastapi_url= # API app web url. Fill only in production.
    # Dash app
    dash_app_port=8071 # Dash app port number. Remove this entry in production
    dash_url= # Dash app web url.  Fill only in production.
    # Jupyter app
    jupyter_port=5000 # Jupyter notebook port number. Remove this entry in production
    # Database access
    db_port=5432 # Database port number
    db_host=db # Database server name
    db_name=db # Database name
    db_username=user # Database login username. Change to a real username.
    db_password=password # Database login password. Change to a secured password.
    # Hashing secrets
    secret_key=azertyuiopqdfghjklmwxcvbn134567890azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn1234567890 # App secret key (for hashing purposed)
    algorithm=HS256 # Password hashing algorithm
    # Other
    access_token_expire_minutes=1440 # App JWT access token expiry duration
    # App mailbox
    email_sender= # Mailbox email address. Put to the real email sender
    email_password= # Mailbox password. Put to the real email sender password
    email_smtp= # Mailbox SMTP (like smtp.gmail.com or mail.outlook.com). Put your smtp provider here
    # gunicorn/uvicorn setup
    gunicorn_setup=false # Should be True in production. Simpler to only use uvicorn for local dev
    debug=false # Change to true if you want to be in dash debug mode
  3. Install the pre-commits

    make setup
  4. Build the docker image

    make dev-build
  5. Open your local PGAdmin and login using the admin credentials.

    ⚠️ You may encounter login issues if using Firefox browser.

  6. Connect to the database server using the admin credentials

  7. Create a new database <YOUR_DB_NAME>_db, as per your .env file (db) in the example.

  8. (Optional) Add a user.json file under data, if you'd like to initialise a few users. It should contain:

            "id": null,
            "user": "user_name",
            "password": "hashed_password",
            "permission": "permission_level",
            "client": "project_name",
            "application": "application_name"
  9. Run the docker container

    docker compose up -d
  10. The app should be running under http://localhost: <YOUR_ENV_DASH_APP_PORT>:

  11. To check for any issues, you can check the logs with:

    docker logs <YOUR_APP_CONTAINER_NAME> --tail=100 -f

    Use Ctrl+C to exit the logs