Python version : 3.11
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A small Python program that will evolve over time (when I have some) to chat locally with GPT-2. It is based on the GPT-2 model developed in this library;
To use it you need the complete library so :
pip install transformers
You will also need to change the paths to yours in the python file.
This script also works for GPT-3 if you have access to the required libraries.
For the future of this repository, there are many things to do:
1. revise unnecessary elements such as the save option.
12. Redesign of the current frontend which is badly broken down.
31. Adding loading bars, ...
5. Audio playback for texts
28. Creation of an .exe file
. . .
This repository is released under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE
file for more information.
If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to open an issue or join my twitter.