
Create speaker voiceprints from a few seconds of audio. And, identify individuals in real-time streaming or recorded conversations.


Create speaker voiceprints from a few seconds of audio. And, identify individuals in real-time streaming or recorded conversations.

Speaker Enrollment API for Identification (REST Api)

Speaker enrollment api enrolls user for Speaker Identification Api and Realtime Speaker Identification Api.

POST Request

POST https://proxy.api.deepaffects.com/audio/generic/api/v1/sync/diarization/enroll

Sample Code

curl -X POST "https://proxy.api.deepaffects.com/audio/generic/api/v1/sync/diarization/enroll?apikey=<API_KEY>" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d @data.json

# contents of data.json
{"content": "bytesEncodedAudioString", "sampleRate": 8000, "encoding": "FLAC", "languageCode": "en-US", "speakerId": "user1" }


# Sync:

  "message": "Success"

For every successfull enrollment the response will containe message as "Success".
Repeat the enrollment with different audios untill the status message changes to "Complete". Then proceed with speaker identification

Enroll a user atleast thrice with 3 different audio, each about 10-12 seconds. The more diverse the enrollment audio files, the better the accuracy for identification.

Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description Notes
encoding String Encoding of audio file like MP3, WAV etc.
sampleRate Number Sample rate of the audio file.
languageCode String Language spoken in the audio file. [default to 'en-US']
content String base64 encoding of the audio file.
speakerId String speaker id tobe registered

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Notes
api_key String The apikey Required for authentication inside all requests

Output Parameters (Sync)

Parameter Type Description Notes
message String Status of enrollment Success or Complete Success: Current enrollment is successfull, Complete: Enrollment is completed, Repeat the enrollments with different audio samples until Complete message is received

Speaker Enrollment Delete API for Identification (REST Api)

This API deletes speaker enrollment for the user

POST Request

POST https://proxy.api.deepaffects.com/audio/generic/api/v1/sync/diarization/delete

Sample Code


curl -X POST "https://proxy.api.deepaffects.com/audio/generic/api/v1/sync/diarization/delete?apikey=<API_KEY>" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d @data.json

# contents of data.json
{"speakerId": "user1"}
# The above command returns output:
  "message": "Success"

Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description Notes
speakerId String speaker id to be registered

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Notes
api_key String The apikey Required for authentication inside all requests

Output Parameters (Sync)

Parameter Type Description Notes
message String Request status Success or Failure

Get Enrolled Speakers Api

This API lists all the enrolled speakers enrolled for a developer along with enrollment status

GET Request

GET https://proxy.api.deepaffects.com/audio/generic/api/v1/sync/diarization/get_enrolled_speakers

Sample Code


curl -X GET "https://proxy.api.deepaffects.com/audio/generic/api/v1/sync/diarization/get_enrolled_speakers?apikey=<API_KEY>"

# The above command returns output:
  "developer_id": "testuser",
  "enrolled_speaker_ids": [
      "speaker_id": "speaker_1",
      "enrollment_complete" "True"

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Notes
apikey String The apikey Required for authentication inside all requests


DeepAffects is a speech analysis platform for Developers. We offer a number of speech analysis apis like, Speech Enhancement, Multi-Speaker Diarization, Emotion Recognition, Voice-prints, Conversation Metrics etc. For more information, checkout our developer portal