
This is the prompt for the Unit 2 Project. For this project, you will be creating a full-stack MERN application.

Project 2 - Full-Stack MERN



Your task is to build a full-stack (Mongoose/Express/React/Node), professional-looking application with a functioning backend and frontend. Your website should allow users to interact with its pages, make requests (buttons, HTML forms, dropdowns, searchbars, etc.) to your backend, and display the data (text, images, etc.) in a meaningful way. Try to think about building an application that will create an engaging user experience.

For Project Approval

  • Detailed README (Name, links to socials, a detailed description of your project, technologies used, a getting started section (with links to your deployed site and Trello), screenshots of your final product (no more than 2-3), future updates, and credits.)
  • Full Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the backend
  • Component Hierarchy Diagram (Lucidchart or other) for the frontend
  • A public Trello board for tracking your development progress

Project Approval Due Date: 3/28/22 by 9:00am EST

Project Requirements (MVP)

Your project must:

  • Be a new repo. Create a new repo in your github and build your project there. DO NOT name your repository Project 2, give it a real name.
  • Be written using the languages and frameworks learned in this course so far
  • Not be written using any other languages or frameworks not covered in this course so far (TypeScript, Sass, jQuery, UI Frameworks, etc.)
  • Have a separate directory for the frontend (client) and have your backend within the main repository.
  • Include a beautiful, professional README.md (use markdown)
  • Your README should have your name, links to socials, a detailed description of your project, technologies used, a getting started section (with links to your deployed site and Trello), screenshots of your final product (no more than 2-3), future updates, and credits.
  • Utilize flexbox or grid (or both)
  • Include a minimum of 2 Mongoose Schemas (models)
  • Have Full CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) operations
  • Display data from each model on the frontend (unless given an exemption on one by an Instructor)
  • Must be able to navigate between different pages (React Router)
  • Have at least 40 meaningful git commits. You should be committing your changes every time you build a new feature.
  • Your code should be properly indented, spaced, and within code blocks. DO NOT leave in commented out code that was left unused (bad practice). Comments should be in your code to describe what your functions are doing.
  • Be deployed on Heroku

Project Completed Due Date: 4/1/22 by 1:30pm EST


  • Chat and bounce ideas off your classmates and gather useful feedback
  • Commit early (day one) and often (everytime you implement a new feature)
  • Implement all project requirements before moving on to post-MVP features
  • Make it look professional (this is for you to showcase - it could land you a job)

Post-MVP Ideas

**Before attempting any of these post-MVP ideas, you must demonstrate your working MVP to your instructor, then attempt these on a new branch

  • Hidden routes using conditional rendering to mimic the functionality of user authentication
  • Associate 2 or more of your models
  • Integrate unit testing
  • Integrate a 3rd party API (Ask us for a list)

A Note on Plagiarism

  • Plagiarism is a serious offense and grounds for immediate withdrawal.
  • You are encouraged to ask others, including students, instructors, and Stack Overflow for help. However, it is not acceptable to copy another persons code and submit it as your own. More importantly, it is detrimental to your learning and growth.
  • Small snippets of code that solve small problems taken from Stack Overflow are generally an exception to this rule. If you aren't sure, it is your responsibility to ask your instructor. To be on the safe side, we ask that you credit the person/resource you got the code from in a comment, and let an instructor take a look at it.