
In this deliverable, you’ll be building out your own database with Sequelize to create and query 3 models.

Sequelize Practice


You'll be creating a database with a theme of your choosing. You must have the following:

  • At least 3 models
  • Table names must be lowercased and snake_cased
  • CRUD queries for each model
    • C reate
    • R ead
    • U pdate
    • D elete

You can hard code in information for the create, update, and delete. You can either create 3 separate files or one file for all of these queries.

Getting Started

These commands should be done in order. Remember, if you are a Windows user, these commands will be different obviously.

npm init -y
npm install sequelize pg
sequelize init

Modify your config.json so that you're creating a database with your chosen name and modify the dialect to postgres.

Create your database:

sequelize db:create

Creating Models

To create a new model, run:

sequelize model:generate --name <Your Model Name Goes Here> --attributes <someattribute>:<somedatatype>,<other stuff...>

Remember, there can be no spaces in between each attribute.

Once your model is created, don't forget to add the tableName field in the model and adjust the migration generated accordingly.

After each model creation, run:

sequelize db:migrate

Generating Seeds

You can generate a seed file using:

sequelize seed:generate --name <Seed Name>

Run your seed using:

sequelize db:seed:all

Hint: You can also use falso:

npm i @ngneat/falso

Requiring Models

Don't forget to require your models in the file you're using for your queries:

const {} = require('./models')

Made A Mistake?

You can always revert a migration using:

sequelize db:migrate:undo


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