
In this lab, you'll practice writing queries on the provided User model.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sequelize Querying

Getting started

  • Fork and Clone
  • npm install
  • sequelize db:create
  • sequelize db:migrate
  • sequelize db:seed:all


Once you've completed the above steps, connect to your database and make sure the entries were created:

psql sequelize_querying_lab_development
SELECT * FROM users;

In this lab, you'll practice writing queries on the provided User model. All of your queries will be written in the provided query.js file. You'll be utilizing the prior Lesson or the Sequelize Docs to complete this lab. Run your file to test using node query.js. A method called stringify has been provided for you to check your work.

The query.js file has all of the necessary instructions in order to complete this lab.
