
In this lesson, we'll be introduced to Django, virtual environments, and how to set up our models.

Intro to Django & Virtual Environments


Getting Started

  • Fork and Clone


In this lesson, we'll be introduced to Django, virtual environments, and how to set up our models. We'll do this by building out an application together over the next several lessons.

Django is a Conventional database - if you follow the instructions and follow the steps, you will have full CRUD on all models, and Auth right out of the box

This is constrasted to the Configurative database frameworks of Mongoose, Sequelize, and Express, where you as programmer had the ability to control what routes and controllers you wanted for each model.

But as Ben Parker famously said to his nephew Peter, "With great power comes great responsbility". Because of the conventional nature of Django, the steps must be followed exactly, there is not a lot of wiggle room to play around in, the way we could with our previous back end set ups

Setting Up a New Django Application - tunr_django

We'll be using Django as our backend framework for the next few lectures of Unit 4. We will start by creating and installing Django on a new project called tunr_django. Follow the steps below.

  1. Start by making a tunr_project directory inside this repo. Navigate into your folder.
mkdir tunr_project
cd tunr_project
  1. Next, we're going to build a virtual environment. Virtual environments allow us to have multiple versions of Python on the same system and manage project dependencies and to use a specific version of Python for different projects. To manage our dependencies and virtual environments, we're going to use a tool called pipenv so make sure you have it installed with pipenv --version.

If you don't have pipenv installed, easy! Homebrew to the rescue:

brew install pipenv
  1. Let's "activate" our virtual environment to ensure every subsequent command will use the virtual environment we created. Run the following command from the project root:
pipenv shell
  1. Open up the project in VS Code and take a look at the Pipfile. It should look similar to this:
name = "pypi"
url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true


django = "*"
psycopg2-binary = "*"

python_version = "3.7"

Make sure python_version is set to a version that is 3 or greater. If the version mentioned in the Pipfile is already 3 or greater, then you can skip to the next step (i.e., install django).

If it's set to an older version of Python (e.g., 2.7), then you'd need to change it to the version of Python 3 that's available on your machine. You can check the version number by running python3 -V from your terminal. For example, if the version is 3.7.6, then you'd have to update the python_version line in the Pipfile to python_version="3.7.6".

  1. Install django inside your /tunr_project folder (the root directory):
pipenv install django

Running the above command will install Django and create the virtual environment where your dependencies for this project will be managed. Pipenv works a lot like npm does: it'll install our dependencies and track them in a Pipfile. This is similar to how npm works, the main difference being that pipenv does all the work for us by putting the dependencies in a separate location, so we don't have to worry about adding things to .gitignore.

  1. Next, we're going to install the library for connecting Django to PostgreSQL:
pipenv install psycopg2-binary
  1. All we've done so far is install our dependencies and create our virtual environment. Now, we want to start our Django project:
pipenv run django-admin startproject tunr_django .

Make sure you put the . on the end! This creates the project in the current directory instead of creating a new subfolder.

Let's break down this command, because there are a few parts to it:

  • django-admin is the command line interface for interacting with Django. It has a few commands, of which startproject is the one to start a new Django project.
  • tunr_django is the name of our project. We add . after it so that the project is created in the current directory (the default is to create a new Django project in a new director).
  • pipenv run is required because we want to use the version of Django that we just installed using pipenv. If we leave off this part of the command, we'll use the version of the Django CLI that is installed globally (if there is one).
  1. Let's also create our app (make sure you're running the following command within the virtual environment you created in step 3):
$ django-admin startapp tunr

Note: if django-admin doesn't work, you can replace it with python3 manage.py, assuming manage.py is in your current directory. Again, make sure you're running the following command within the virtual environment you created in step 3.

This step creates an "app" inside of our project repo called tunr. tunr_django is the base django project, where we handle our routes. tunr is where we write our models, controllers, and templates.

We can have many "apps" inside of a django project. This allows us to modularize our code, giving us flexibility and separation of concerns and making our code self-contained.

  1. We need to include the app we generated. In tunr_django/settings.py find the INSTALLED_APPS constant dictionary. On the bottom line of the INSTALLED_APPS list, add tunr. Whenever you create a new app, you have to include it in the project.
  1. Next, we need to create our database. By default, Django uses sqlite for its database. We'll use postgres instead, because it's more robust and better for web applications.
  • To ensure Postgres is running on your computer on macOS type:
brew services list
  • To ensure Posgres is running on your computer on Linux type:
service postgresql status

(macOS) Postgres will only work if you see a service with a Name of postgresql and Status say started in green. If it is yellow, try running brew services restart postgresql.

(Linux) Postgres will only work if you see a green circle and the words "active (running)" somewhere in the output.

After running postgres, create a new file called settings.sql in the project root directory:

touch settings.sql

Inside settings.sql, add the following:

-- settings.sql

Then run the following command from the root directory:

$ psql -U postgres -f settings.sql

If you are getting a fatal error, try removing the '-U postgres' from the command

  1. Next, we need to connect our app to the database. In tunr_django/settings.py, find the DATABASES constant dictionary. Let's edit it to look like this:
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'tunr',
        'USER': 'tunruser',
        'PASSWORD': 'tunr',
        'HOST': 'localhost'
  1. Now, in the terminal start the Django server by running
python3 manage.py runserver

manage.py contains a lot of management commands for Django. We'll see more later, but here is the full documentation if you are interested in what's going on behind the scenes. You can see a list of commands that manage.py offers by typing:

python3 manage.py
  1. Finally, navigate to localhost:8000. You should see a page welcoming you to Django!


Let's start working with some data. In Django, we will write out models. Models represent the data layer of our application. We store that data in our database.

First, lets create a Python class that inherits from the Django built in models.Model class. Let's also define the fields within it. We do so like this:

# tunr/models.py
class Artist(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    nationality = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    photo_url = models.TextField()

Here, we are defining three fields (which will be represented as columns in our database): name, photo_url and nationality. name and nationality are character fields which means that we must add an upper limit to how many characters are in that database field. The photo_url will have unlimited length. The full listing of the available fields are here.

Let's also add the magic method __str__. This method defines what an instance of the model will show up as by default. It will be really helpful for debugging in the future!

class Artist(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    nationality = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    photo_url = models.TextField()

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

This is a brief example of how to write models in Django. The documentation is fantastic and there are a number of built in field types that you can use for making very detailed models.


In the SQL class, we talked about how schema is enforced on the database side when we use SQL databases. But here we are writing our schema on the Python side! We have to translate that code into the schema for our database. We will do so using migrations. In some frameworks, you have to write your migrations yourself, but in Django the framework writes them for us!

In order to migrate this model to the database, we will run two commands. The first is:

Windows users, you may need to add 'python -m' before some of your pipenv commands

$ python3 manage.py makemigrations

This will generate a migration file that gets all of its data from the code in the models.py file. Go ahead and open it up - it should be in tunr/migrations/0001_initial.py.

Every time you make changes to your models, run makemigrations again.

You should NEVER edit the migration files manually, as Django automatically takes care of generating these migration files based on our model changes. Instead, edit the models files and let django figure out what to generate from them by running makemigrations again.

You should commit the migration files into git, however. They are crucial for other people who want to run their own app.

When you've made all the changes you think you need, go ahead and run:\

$ python3 manage.py migrate

This will commit the migration to the database.

If you open up psql:

$ psql

and connect to the tunr database:

\c tunr

you'll see all the tables have now been created!

This is quite different than mongoDB, where the databases and collections get created automatically as soon as you insert data into them.

What is a migration? A set of changes/modifications intended for a database. They can be anything that makes a permanent change - creating columns, creating tables, changing properties, etc.

Foreign Keys

Let's also start filling out the Song model. We will define the class and then add a foreign key. We do so like this:

class Song(models.Model):
    artist = models.ForeignKey(Artist, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='songs')

A foreign key is a field or column in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table. In this case, Song will contain a column called artist that contains the ID of the associated artist. We don't have to define id in the model, django and psql add them for us.

The related_name refers to how the model will be referred to in relation to its parent -- you will see this in use later on. on_delete specifies how we want the models to act when their parent is deleted. By using cascade, related children will be deleted.

What kind of relationship is implied by giving the Song table the foreign key from the artist table?
1 -> Many
Artist -> Song
An artist can have many songs

What needs to happen now that we made a change to the model file?

python3 manage.py makemigrations

Check out the migrations folder. You should see something like 0002_song.py.

Python automatically sequences the migration files and tries to give a description for them - in this case, we added a song model, so it gives it the name song.

Now run:

python3 manage.py migrate

And notice that it's all updated!

You can read more about migrations in the Migrations section of the documentation

If you want to see which migrations have been run already, use the command python3 manage.py showmigrations.

Finish the Song model

  • Add title, album and preview_url fields, then create and run the migrations.
  • Register your Song model like you did with Artist.
  • Finally create three songs using the admin site.
Solution: Modify Song Model
class Song(models.Model):
    artist = models.ForeignKey(Artist, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='songs')
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100, default='no song title')
    album = models.CharField(max_length=100, default='no album title')
    preview_url = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title
Solution: create migration
python3 manage.py makemigrations
Solution: run migration
python3 manage.py migrate

Admin Console

So far, we know at least 3 different ways to seed our DB's. We can use the Mongo/SQL shell, but that can get tedious quickly. We can use Seed files, but they have a good chance of running into errors. We can create a user friendly Front End server to connect to... but we first have to build a user friendly Front End server.

Let's learn a new way of adding some content into our database - the Django Admin panel

Django has authentication (and authorization) right out of the box, so you don't have to write it yourself or add a plugin.

In the terminal, run:

$ python3 manage.py createsuperuser

Then fill in the information in the boxes that pop up!

So far in this class, we have used seed files to add initial data to our databases. We can also do that in Django (see this article), but let's try something a little bit different instead.

Django has an admin dashboard built in, which gives us full CRUD functionality straight out of the box.

Let's set it up! In tunr/admin.py, add the following code:

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Artist, Song

Now! Bear Witness To the Awesomeness of Django!!!

Run your server again, then navigate to localhost:8000/admin. You can login and get a full admin view where you have CRUD functionality for your model!

Create two Artists here using the interface, then add some songs to them!


In this lesson, we set up a new Django project and virtual environment. Then we set up our application with postgres and even set up some models!
