To compile this project: First opencv needs to be installed (instructions in 1. Download an unzip the latest opencv lib 2. Execute cmake (it can be installed with apt-get if it is not) to create the makefiles. Assuming you are inside the unzipped folder: mkdir release cd release cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. 3. Compile opencv (it can take a while) make 4. Install opencv to the system default lib folders, so it will be found when compiling and linking sudo make install To build the face server, from inside its folder, execute: cmake . make To run it: ./FaceRec at_test.txt name_map.txt or call To set it up as a service: 1. Run to create a distributable folder. 2. Copy the contents of the ./dist folder to a folder called /home/cloudlet/face_server in the target VM. 3. Copy the face_server.conf file present in there to the /etc/init/ folder 4. Execute "sudo start face_server" to manually start the service (it will autostart if the machine is rebooted)