- 1
Penalty weights are counted towards total
#272 opened by martinmladenov - 0
It is not possible to have zero-weight meta tests unless other tests have weights greater than 1
#275 opened by martinmladenov - 2
- 3
Make pipeline to work on Windows
#218 opened by mauricioaniche - 2
Run CI tests on Windows
#253 opened by martinmladenov - 4
Run more than one assignment in Docker tests
#251 opened by martinmladenov - 4
Meta test that subtracts points
#209 opened by martinmladenov - 6
- 5
Improve SourceCodeSecurityCheckStep
#213 opened by martinmladenov - 0
Improve Docker cache invalidation
#262 opened by martinmladenov - 6
- 2
Make WebDriverWait to work
#226 opened by mauricioaniche - 0
Document how students can run the exercise locally and understand why their solution doesn't work
#232 opened by mauricioaniche - 0
Reduce code duplication in CI configuration
#252 opened by martinmladenov - 1
Allow class names to include "Configuration"
#243 opened by angelikamentz - 1
Remove unnecessary check
#254 opened by martinmladenov - 0
Not having a new line after the package declaration causes an exception
#256 opened by martinmladenov - 0
- 2
Add coverage reports
#200 opened by mauricioaniche - 3
- 13
Make assignment tests faster
#214 opened by martinmladenov - 2
Extra configuration for jqwik
#246 opened by mauricioaniche - 6
- 4
Fix repository references
#224 opened by martinmladenov - 2
Make Docker tests work in forks/pull requests
#220 opened by martinmladenov - 0
Update Docker parent image
#247 opened by martinmladenov - 1
Create a proper builder for Context
#191 opened by mauricioaniche - 3
Better Selenium integration tests
#221 opened by mauricioaniche - 0
Pitest uses the default jqwik configuration
#245 opened by martinmladenov - 2
Configure errorprone and checkstyle
#231 opened by mauricioaniche - 7
New code check if class is used
#229 opened by mauricioaniche - 6
Add code check for if a method is invoked
#228 opened by mauricioaniche - 5
Migrate to Gradle
#188 opened by mauricioaniche - 3
- 1
Improve SeleniumOnePassingOneFailingTest
#189 opened by mauricioaniche - 3
When running meta tests, we should skip Jacoco
#202 opened by mauricioaniche - 2
Andy in DEBUG mode
#198 opened by mauricioaniche - 2
- 2
Refactor getNumberOfPassedChecks method
#219 opened by martinmladenov - 3
In exam mode, delete rubrics
#203 opened by mauricioaniche - 1
Can we parallelize parts of the pipeline?
#177 opened by mauricioaniche - 1
Test doubles (assignment: readingProgress) code checks do not recognize verification
#222 opened by Fo3nix - 3
Accept Mockito's doReturn(...).when(...) construct
#197 opened by mauricioaniche - 0
- 0
Update documentation of the assignments
#185 opened by mauricioaniche - 0
Upgrade pitest
#186 opened by mauricioaniche - 0
Improve CI workflows
#183 opened by mauricioaniche - 1
Revisit version numbers
#179 opened by martinmladenov - 0
Merge JUnit run and Jacoco
#176 opened by mauricioaniche - 2
Maven plugin replacement
#178 opened by mauricioaniche