Welcome to the ReproHack @ SESYNC #ReproHack!

📅 6 Feb 2020

9am - 5pm

📍 Cave Conference Room

We are all excited by the progress made by many authors to make their papers reproducible by publishing associated code and data.

We know how challenging it can be so we want to showcase the value of the practice, both for original authors and as a learning experience for those who attempt to reproduce the work.

It’s imperative to note that ReproHacks are by no means an attempt to criticise or discredit work. We see reproduction as beneficial scientific activity in itself, with useful outcomes for authors and valuable learning experiences for the participants and the research community as a whole.

We are hoping to use this ReproHack as a learning opportunity - to learn about doing reproductions and to learn how our own work can benefit from this effort.

Please do these preliminary steps:

Nominate a paper by January 27

We invite you to nominate papers that have both associated code and data publicly available. The following are links to previous ReproHacks with proposed papers or other sources for possible papers; you are welcome to nominate off of those lists, or other papers, as well. Rachael and Kelly will confirm that all nominations have both data and code available, and then all participants will have the opportunity to vote on the paper we will work on.



We have selected a paper about climate change an potato blight that has published code and data publicly available.

Climate change may have limited effect on global risk of potato late blight.
Sparks, A. H., Forbes, G. A, Hijmans, R. J., & Garrett K. A. (2014). Climate change may have limited effect on global risk of potato late blight. Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/gcb.12587.

submitted for a previous ReproHack by Adam Sparks

Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper? This is a two-for one. The repository contains code for companion papers, the model development and the model implementation and analysis. As the repository notes, some data are not freely available so I’ve made an effort to allow the paper to be replicated as best possible with what’s available.

Paper URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/gcb.12587

Data URL: https://figshare.com/articles/Supporting_files_for_Climate_change_may_have_limited_effect_on_global_risk_of_potato_late_blight/1066070

Code URL: https://github.com/adamhsparks/Global-Late-Blight-MetaModelling

We will dig into exciting science, learn more about reproducibility, and working with other people’s code and data, see how we can improve the reproducibiliyt of our research process. Hope you can join us!

On the day

Come to SESYNC just like normal! We’ll all work on this project for the day! It’ll be great!

While this is not a Carpentries event, we are modeling it on Carpentries policies. As such the event is governed by the Carpentries Code of Conduct and you should read it before participating. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.


0930 Intro to Reproducibility (Rachael B.)

  • Why reproduce research?
  • Anticipated hurdles to reproduction?
  • Goals for the day

0945 Intro to selected paper (Kelly J.)

1000 Refresh/re-read paper

1015 Discuss division of tasks

1030 Start Reproducing!

  • Follow any instructions/documentation associated with the papers and try and reproduce the work. As you work through your paper, keep in mind the main points Reproducibility, Documentation and Reusability. It might help to have a look at this author feedback form before you begin and keep notes during.

  • Throughout the day we’ll discuss progress and troubleshoot any sticking points.

1215 Lunch break

1315 Touch base on progress

1330 Resume work on reproduction

  • Should we finish reproducing our paper quickly, we might want to consider attempting to replicate the results, for example, if the code is in R consider translating the analysis to python and examining whether we are getting the same results. Such a contribution would be appropriate for publication in the ReScience C journal! Have a look at the journals website for further details.

  • Alternately, we could consider reproducing the companion paper to this selected paper.

1600 Revisit hurdles, both anticipated and encountered

1615 Revisit lessons learned

  • Implications for your research future (both short and longer term)?

1630 Wrap up and conclusion

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.