Welcome to the Ski - Oluwaseun's Edition!
You can play our version here: https://ski.akintolaseun.com.ng/
deploy it locally by running:
npm install
npm run dev
Bug fIX:
- Bug caused by pressing the left arrow key after crashing into an obstacle, causing Giant blizzard and screen to turn completely white
Unit tests addeds:
- Tests Added:
- Test move Skier in unknown direction
- Test move Skier to left after crash
- Test re-allign rhino to skier lane
- Tests Added:
Extention of existing functionality:
In this version, you can have the skier jump by either pressing a key or use the ramp asset to have the skier jump whenever he hits a ramp.
- The skier jumps over some obstacles while in the air.
- Rocks can be jumped over
- Trees can NOT be jumped over
- The skier jumps over some obstacles while in the air.
New Feature:
- In this version, if you skied for too long, Rhino would chase you down and eat you. The Rhino appears after a set skied distance 2500 and chases the skier. If the rhino catches the skier, it's game over and the rhino eats the skier.
- Press the space bar to reset the game once it's over.
- Press the space bar to pause and resume the game.
Code Documentation:
- A new class (Rhino class) was added, which extends Skier class. The Constants specific to Rhino assets were added to the Constant file and used accordingly.
export class Rhino extends Skier
As an extention of the Skier class, the Rhino, once set to move, moves in the same direction as the Skier.
The Rhino realligns itself to be on the same y axis as the Skier using the reAllignRhinoToSkierLane method. A future improvement to this will be to handle enough instances to make the Rhino never have cause to be forcefully realligned.
reAllignRhinoToSkierLane(skier){ if(skier.direction === Constants.RHINO_DIRECTIONS.DOWN) this.setDirection(Constants.RHINO_DIRECTIONS.DOWN); if(this.y > skier.y ){ this.y = skier.y -100; this.x = skier.x; } }
- The Rhino checks continually if it has caught up with Skier using checkIfRhinoCatchSkier method, which is a clone of the checkIfSkierHitObstacle method in Skier. In this case, we use the intersectTwoRects to check if skier bound intersects the rhino's bound.
async checkIfRhinoCatchSkier(skier, assetManager) { this.reAllignRhinoToSkierLane(skier); const asset = assetManager.getAsset(this.assetName); const rhinoBounds = new Rect( this.x - asset.width / 2, this.y - asset.height / 2, this.x + asset.width / 2, this.y - asset.height / 4 ); const skierAssetName = skier.assetName; const skierAsset = assetManager.getAsset(skierAssetName); const skierBounds = new Rect( skier.x - skierAsset.width / 2, skier.y - skierAsset.height / 2, skier.x + skierAsset.width / 2, skier.y ); const collision = intersectTwoRects(rhinoBounds, skierBounds ); if(collision && this.direction !== Constants.RHINO_DIRECTIONS.CRASH) { skier.gameOver(); this.setDirection(Constants.RHINO_DIRECTIONS.CRASH); } };
- The Rhino class uses timer in updateAsset method to animate the eating of Skier, using the assets declared in Constants.
async updateAsset() { if(this.direction === Constants.SKIER_DIRECTIONS.UP){ for (const [assetId, assetName] of Object.entries(Constants.SKIER_JUMP_DIRECTION_ASSET)) { this.assetName = assetName; await this.timer(200); } } else this.assetName = Constants.SKIER_DIRECTION_ASSET[this.direction]; }