
My version of Ski

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Welcome to the Ski - Oluwaseun's Edition!

You can play our version here: https://ski.akintolaseun.com.ng/

deploy it locally by running:

npm install
npm run dev


  • Bug fIX:

    • Bug caused by pressing the left arrow key after crashing into an obstacle, causing Giant blizzard and screen to turn completely white
  • Unit tests addeds:

    • Tests Added:
      1. Test move Skier in unknown direction
      2. Test move Skier to left after crash
      3. Test re-allign rhino to skier lane
  • Extention of existing functionality:

    In this version, you can have the skier jump by either pressing a key or use the ramp asset to have the skier jump whenever he hits a ramp.

    • The skier jumps over some obstacles while in the air.
      • Rocks can be jumped over
      • Trees can NOT be jumped over
  • New Feature:

    • In this version, if you skied for too long, Rhino would chase you down and eat you. The Rhino appears after a set skied distance 2500 and chases the skier. If the rhino catches the skier, it's game over and the rhino eats the skier.
    • Press the space bar to reset the game once it's over.
    • Press the space bar to pause and resume the game.
  • Code Documentation:

    • A new class (Rhino class) was added, which extends Skier class. The Constants specific to Rhino assets were added to the Constant file and used accordingly.
    export class Rhino extends Skier 
    • As an extention of the Skier class, the Rhino, once set to move, moves in the same direction as the Skier.

    • The Rhino realligns itself to be on the same y axis as the Skier using the reAllignRhinoToSkierLane method. A future improvement to this will be to handle enough instances to make the Rhino never have cause to be forcefully realligned.

            if(skier.direction === Constants.RHINO_DIRECTIONS.DOWN)  this.setDirection(Constants.RHINO_DIRECTIONS.DOWN);
            if(this.y > skier.y ){
                this.y = skier.y -100;
                this.x = skier.x;
    • The Rhino checks continually if it has caught up with Skier using checkIfRhinoCatchSkier method, which is a clone of the checkIfSkierHitObstacle method in Skier. In this case, we use the intersectTwoRects to check if skier bound intersects the rhino's bound.
      async checkIfRhinoCatchSkier(skier, assetManager) {
          const asset = assetManager.getAsset(this.assetName);
          const rhinoBounds = new Rect(
              this.x - asset.width / 2,
              this.y - asset.height / 2,
              this.x + asset.width / 2,
              this.y - asset.height / 4
          const skierAssetName = skier.assetName;
          const skierAsset = assetManager.getAsset(skierAssetName);
          const skierBounds = new Rect(
              skier.x - skierAsset.width / 2,
              skier.y - skierAsset.height / 2,
              skier.x + skierAsset.width / 2,
          const collision  = intersectTwoRects(rhinoBounds, skierBounds );
          if(collision   &&  this.direction !== Constants.RHINO_DIRECTIONS.CRASH) {
    • The Rhino class uses timer in updateAsset method to animate the eating of Skier, using the assets declared in Constants.
       async updateAsset() {
          if(this.direction === Constants.SKIER_DIRECTIONS.UP){ 
              for (const [assetId, assetName] of Object.entries(Constants.SKIER_JUMP_DIRECTION_ASSET)) {
                  this.assetName =   assetName;            
                  await this.timer(200);
          else this.assetName = Constants.SKIER_DIRECTION_ASSET[this.direction];