
Dynamically Generate Custom Post Types for your WordPress themes with single line of code,

Primary LanguagePHP


Generate Custom Post Types with a single line of code by extending the class.


Drop the file in your theme inc folder and add it in functions.php

require get_template_directory() . '/inc/oop-cpt-generator.php';

now make new instance of the class and register the post types.

// features post type
$feature_args = array(
	'supports' => array('title', 'editor'),
new OOP_CPT_Generator( 'feature', $feature_args );

// services post type
$service_args = array(
	'supports' => array('title', 'editor'),
new OOP_CPT_Generator( 'service', $service_args );

// portfolio post type
new OOP_CPT_Generator( 'portfolio' );

// testimonial post type
new OOP_CPT_Generator( 'testimonial' );

// faq post type
$service_args = array(
	'supports' => array('title', 'editor'),
new OOP_CPT_Generator( 'faq', $service_args );

Authors and Contributors

OOP Post Type Generator is written by Aamer Shahzad @talentedamer a WordPress theme developer on WordPress.org and OOPthemes.com

Support or Contact

Please visit OOPThemes support forum if you have any issue regarding the use of OOP Post Type Genertator.