
a repo for all open house related activities

San Francisco Digital Services Open House

This repo documents our hiring open house events and code of conduct.


Code of conduct

Welcome to the San Francisco Digital Services hiring open house. We ask participants to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative when speaking and listening.
  2. Offensive language and comments will not be tolerated. They include but are not limited to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro (a) typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, ethnicity, culture, political opinion, age, skill level, occupation, background or religion. If the meeting host has determined you have used offensive language or made offensive comments, you will be immediately removed and banned from the meeting.
  3. Keep audio muted when you aren’t speaking.
  4. If you are comfortable doing so, turn your video on so the speaker can see you.
  5. Be thoughtful when you speak. Be courteous, don’t interrupt the speaker, use the chat or raise hand feature.
  6. Use the chat/Q&A feature to ask questions and engage in discussion.
  7. Be patient with the hosts as they relay your question to the speaker, and understand that questions may be held until the end of the presentation, that we may not have time for all questions.