SFDS PTS Dispatcher microservice.py CircleCI Coverage Status


Get started

Install Pipenv (if needed)

$ pip install --user pipenv

Install included packages

$ pipenv install

Set ACCESS_KEY environment var and start WSGI Server

$ ACCESS_KEY=123456 pipenv run gunicorn 'service.microservice:start_service()'

Run Pytest

$ pipenv run python -m pytest

Get code coverage report

$ pipenv run python -m pytest --cov=service tests/ --cov-fail-under=100

Open with cURL or web browser

$ curl --header "ACCESS_KEY: 123456"

How to fork in own repo (SFDigitalServices use only)

reference: How to fork your own repo in Github

Create a new blank repo

First, create a new blank repo that you want to ultimately be a fork of your existing repo. We will call this new repo "my-awesome-microservice-py".

Clone that new repo on your local machine

Next, make a clone of that new blank repo on your machine:

$ git clone https://github.com/SFDigitalServices/my-awesome-microservice-py.git

Add an upstream remote to your original repo

While this technically isn’t forking, its basically the same thing. What you want to do is add a remote upstream to this new empty repo that points to your original repo you want to fork:

$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/SFDigitalServices/microservice-py.git

Pull down a copy of the original repo to your new repo

The last step is to pull down a complete copy of the original repo:

$ git fetch upstream

$ git merge upstream/main

Or, an easier way:

$ git pull upstream main

Now, you can work on your new repo to your hearts content. If any changes are made to the original repo, simply execute a git pull upstream main and your new repo will receive the updates that were made to the original!

Psst: Don’t forget to upload the fresh copy of your new repo back up to git:

$ git push origin main


Auto-reload on code changes

$ pipenv run gunicorn --reload 'service.microservice:start_service()' --timeout 60

Code coverage command with missing statement line numbers

$ pipenv run python -m pytest --cov=service tests/ --cov-report term-missing

Set up git hook scripts with pre-commit

$ pipenv run pre-commit install

Continuous integration

  • CircleCI builds fail when trying to run coveralls.
    1. Log into coveralls.io to obtain the coverall token for your repo.
    2. Create an environment variable in CircleCI with the name COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN and the coverall token value.

Heroku Integration

  • Set ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable and pass it as a header in requests