
Build locally

Get Hugo

via homebrew:

$ brew install hugo

or binary install:

Pick the appropriate binary from here:

Generate site

$ hugo

Serve it up

$ hugo server -w

Hit http://localhost:1313 to verify that the site was generated correctly

Create a new page

Creating a new page can be as simple as creating a file (xyz.html) in the /content folder. Or via the command line (at the root directory of this repo):

$ hugo new xyz.html

These new pages will follow the layout template in /themes/digitalservices/_default/single.html

How to add team members to website

  • When a new person joins the team, get their profile photo in .jpg or .png formats
  • Add their profile photo to the themes/static/assets/staff-imgs folder, name it like this: firstname.jpg or firstname.png
  • Follow the instructions above to build the site locally and preview changes.
  • Edit the content/ourteam.html file, add team members in <div id="staff"> by adding a new <li class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4"> block
  • Make sure that their name, job title and photo are correct
  • Submit a PR
  • Once your PR has been approved by a reviewer, who will also send you a preview of your changes (in the form of a Pantheon link), check your preview then merge your PR. If you are not happy with the changes, commit to the same branch, which will generate another Pantheon preview.
  • Merge your PR
  • Reach out to someone with server access (currently, that would be @skinnylatte, @aekong and @henryjiang-sfgov) to deploy with the following commands

As of August 2021, you no longer have sudo access to this server. This readme file is being updated to remove all mention of using sudo for git fetch.

$ cd /opt/rh/httpd24/root/var/www/html/digitalservices/public
$ git fetch --all
$ git reset --hard origin/gh-pages


  • Never ever edit files in /public directly (this is hugo generated)
  • This repo is a very basic site, with very few (what hugo calls) content types
  • Refer to Hugo documentation at