SFDS microservice.py
SFDS Solar Panel Permit Application
Starter guide
Please see (SFDS microservice boiler template
Get started
Solar Panel expects 2 parameters:
- Form data in ([JSON])(https://www.json.org/json-en.html) format
- A PDF template which form fields that matches the keys in the form and passes these to the ([SFDS PDF Generator])(https://github.com/SFDigitalServices/pdf-generator)
It then calls the ([SFDS Email Microservice])(https://github.com/SFDigitalServices/email-microservice-py) to send emails to Applicant and DBI Staff with the generated PDF as an attachment
Make a HTTP POST to the deployed URL with HTTP header of ACCESS_KEY and TEMPLATE_FILE(see sample.pdf) Form data, see sample-data.json