
Latex code for author version of doi:10.1017/S0014479718000388

Primary LanguageTeX

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This repository includes the code for reproducing the article titled: Making the most of imperfect data: a critical evaluation of standard information collected in farm household surveys, published in Experimental Agriculture in 2018. Refer to https://doi.org/10.1017/S0014479718000388.

An author produced version is available in the PDF folder. The LaTeX code used to generate the PDF is available in the root folder. 

Current code contents:
- LaTeX preamble - main.tex
- LaTeX article content – DataQualityAuthorVersion.tex
- Citation style - model5-namesSF.bst
- Bibliography file – fullReferenceList.bib
- Figures

This is a quick release to get a publicly available version out there.