
Trace visualisation tool for Eio programs

Primary LanguageOCamlISC LicenseISC


eio-trace can be used to record and display traces of programs using the Eio library (requires Eio 0.14 or later).

To install eio-trace:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/eio-trace.git
cd eio-trace
dune build

To run an Eio program and display the trace:

dune exec -- eio-trace run -- myprog ...

You might like to start by tracing the example that comes with eio-trace:

dune exec -- eio-trace run -- ./_build/default/examples/net/main.exe

To record a trace:

dune exec -- eio-trace record -f trace.fxt -- myprog ...

This runs myprog ... with the OCAML_RUNTIME_EVENTS_START environment variable set, which causes it to record events to a ring buffer. eio-trace saves these events to trace.fxt.

The trace can be viewed using generic tools such as Perfetto, but eio-trace's own visualisation is more useful, as it takes advantage of Eio's structured concurrency:

dune exec -- eio-trace show trace.fxt

To convert a trace to SVG format:

dune exec -- eio-trace render -f trace.fxt trace.svg