
This is a tutorial to help people make Discord bots.

Primary LanguagePython


Welcome to documentation #1 of Making Discord Bots, the detailed describtion on how to make Discord Bots easily and deploy them.

I assume that you have Python 3. If you don't have Python 3, then follow these steps:

If you are using Windows, then download it from https://www.python.org/download/releases/3.0/

If you are using Linux, then do 'apt-get install python3 python3-pip'

If you are using Mac, then download it https://www.python.org/downloads/mac-osx/

Stage 1:

1: Download the files.

2: Put all the files in one single folder.

Stage 2:

1: Go to https://discord.com/developers/

2: Open a new application

3: Put a name for the application

4: Now go to the Bot sub-part

5: Click on Add Bot and confirm

6: Give your bot the permissions it requires

7: Now go to OAuth2 sub-part

8: In the Scopes under OAuth2 URL Generator, click the checkbox beside bot, give it the permissions it requires by scrolling down and copy the url generated.

9: Copy the link generated and paste it in the Redirects section.

10: Click on the Select Redirect URL and click on the first option.

11: Go to the Bot sub-part and copy the bot token.

Stage 3:

1: Open the discord-bot.py file in the folder you put it in.

2: In line 37, remove Paste bot token here and paste your bot token

3: Go to line 5, remove Put your bot prefix here and put a symbol accessable by both mobile and computers, like '!'

4: Save the file

Stage 4:

1: Go to www.replit.com

2: Click on 'New Repl' on the left pane.

3: Upload all the files you downloaded from my repository, except the requirements.txt file, on it.

4: Run the program by clicking on the green 'Run' button.

5: Two windows will open up. One would be the console showing the logs and the bot id. The other would be a website showing the words 'Hello!'. Copy that window's url.

Stage 5:

1: Go to www.freshworks.com/website-monitoring/

2: Paste the url in the place where it tells you to and enter you email in its required place.

3: Your dashboard should open up and the website for your app should be automatically be added. If not, click on the 'Add Check' button in the top right corner.

4: Put in the url, the name of your bot and click 'Add Check'.

5: It should be added.

Stage 6:

1: Now go back to https://discord.com/developers/ , then to your bot application, go to OAuth2, copy your Redirect URL from the Redirects already added and paste it in a new tab.

2: Add your bot to your server and Authorize its access.

3: Now open Discord, go to the server you added your bot to and you should see the bot online.

Thank you for following my tutorial. I hope it helped you a lot!

  • SGt Original

To contact me:

Discord: SGt Original#1457

Email: sgtoriginal@gmail.com (High possibilty of not answering back :) )