SJU - Vuejs, HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard

SJU – Vuejs, HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard

The most developer friendly & highly customizable Admin Dashboard based on Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap Vue.


Make sure to install dependencies & update environment variables and axios api url

npm install

Development serve

Start the development server by running

npm run serve


run the building process to generate the dist folder for production

npm run build

Features of SJU v2.0

  • Frontend are completely seperated from the backend, everything is connected through RESTful API
  • Multiple admin roles with different permissions. Laratrust used
  • Admins can be set to manage one branch that can't manage any user out of this branch
  • All data can be sorted and filtered in admin panel
  • Filtered and sorted data can be exported to excel sheets
  • Payment invoices can be managed with all information needed
  • All users can be activated / deactivated, accepted / denied, and all info can be updated and viewed to admins with permissions
  • Simple blog implemented
  • Technical support tickets and chats

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Saudi journalists' association admin dashboard