
Scripts and binaries for auto-flashing many badges

Primary LanguagePython


Note: All commands are prefixed with '$' for normal user commands and with '#' for commands as root.


Install the esptool with:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

install udev rule

Add this udev-rule to avoid device-name changes during flashing.

# cp udev-rules.d-badge.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/badge.rules

# /etc/init.d/udev restart

fix permissions

Give the user (here 'basvs') the right permissions for opening /dev/ttyUSBx:

$ ls -al /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 jul 20 15:44 /dev/ttyUSB0

# adduser basvs dialout
Adding user `basvs' to group `dialout' ...
Adding user basvs to group dialout

# id basvs
uid=1000(basvs) gid=1000(basvs) groups=1000(basvs),20(dialout)

The current user then doesn't have access to the dialout group yet. You will have to login again or use the command 'newgrp'.

$ id
uid=1000(basvs) gid=1000(basvs) groups=1000(basvs)

$ newgrp dialout

$ id
uid=1000(basvs) gid=1000(basvs) groups=1000(basvs),20(dialout)

run auto-flasher

Add the right firmware in ./firmware/ (if not provided in the git repository itself)

Then start this for every usb-device-path:

$ while true; do ./auto_flash.pl /dev/tty_badge_1.2.4; done

Or simply use this screen config. It uses an extra script to detect all /dev/tty_badge_* character devices.

$ screen -c ./screenrc