
Token Healing Token Healing is a Python script that implements a token healing algorithm to identify and correct mistyped or incorrect tokens in a given text.

Table of Contents Introduction Features Installation Usage

Introduction Token Healing is a script developed to assist in the process of spell checking and correction. It utilizes a token healing algorithm that addresses common errors in text, such as spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and missing or extra words. By applying this algorithm to a given text, it provides a corrected version of the text.

Features Spell checking: Identifies misspelled tokens and suggests the most likely correct spellings. Grammatical error detection: Detects grammatical errors and provides suggestions for correction. Missing/extra word detection: Identifies missing or extra words in the text and suggests appropriate changes. Efficiency: Designed to handle large texts efficiently.


  1. Clone the repository:

git clone []

2.Install the required dependencies:

pip install autocorrect


  1. Navigate to the project directory:

cd token-healing

2.Place your input text file in the same directory.

3.Run the script to perform token healing:

python Note : Input File Shoud Be In Same Path The script will read the input file, perform token healing, and generate an output file with the corrected version of the text. The output file will be named output.txt and will be created in the same directory.

Contributing Contributions to Token Healing are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to submit a pull request.