
✧ Interactive Console Menus & Loading Bars ✧

Primary LanguagePython



✧ Interactive Console Menus & Loading Bars ✧

❱ Open Console GUI is a library for easily creating interactive terminal GUIs with minimal code.


OpenConsoleGUI can be installed from pypi using pip:

pip install open-console-gui

Or it can be cloned from GitHub if you want, for example to edit the package:

git clone https://github.com/SHARKgamestudio/OpenConsoleGUI.git


  • Interactive menus with keyboard navigation
  • Predefined / custom styles for menus
  • Interactive progress-bars with a ton of options
  • Predefined / custom styles for progress-bars

↻ More Features are planned for future updates.


Create Menus

Interactive Menus are composed of:

  • A title
  • A list of items that the user can navigate
  • A style that can be applied to change the appearance

Each item contains:

  • A text to display
  • A function that triggers when the user selects the item and presses the 'enter' key

Here is an example of usage:

# It is recommended to import all classes from the library.
from cgui import *

# Declare functions triggered by items.
def event0():
    # do something
def event1():
    # do something
def event2():
    # do something

# Declare items with names and associated trigger functions executed upon confirmation events.
items = [
    MenuItem("Item0", event0),
    MenuItem("Item1", event1),
    MenuItem("Item2", event2)

# Creates a menu with a name and a list of items.
menu = Menu("Sample Menu", items) # You can change the default selected item and apply styles.

# Declare a main loop for running the menu.
while True:

Create Progress-Bars

Progress-Bars are composed of:

  • A prefix
  • A length (in char)
  • A style that can be applied to change the appearance

Here is an example of usage:

# It is recommended to import all classes from the library.
from cgui import *

# Creates a progress-bar with a prefix and a specified length (e.g., 25 characters).
bar = ProgressBar(prefix="myBar", length=25) # You can display the % and apply styles.

# Create a loop for updating the value (must be given in %).
for progress in range(100):
    bar.update(progress + 1)

Using Styles

❱ Styles let you customize the appearance of console GUI elements.

❱ There are two ways to stylize your elements:

  • Predefined Styles
  • Custom Styles

Predefined Styles

OpenConsoleGUI comes with pre-packaged styles for both menus and progress-bars.

Use them by referencing their variable names in the constructor of your GUI element:

menu = Menu("Sample Menu", items, style=im_style0)

➮ Here are all the pre-packaged styles available:

im_style_0 :

 |[Sample Menu]|
>  0.Item0

im_style_1 :

 【Sample Menu】
▶  0.Item0

im_style_2 :

 ☾Sample Menu☽
➤ 0.Item0

im_style_3 :

 𓇼Sample Menu𓇼
✦  0.Item0

pb_style_0 :

████████████············ 50%

pb_style_1 :

|████████████             | 50%

pb_style_2 :

■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□ 50%

pb_style_3 :

▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▱▱▱▱▱▱ 50%

Custom Styles

❱ You can create custom styles by using the appropriate class for your GUI element.

❱ You can apply them the same way as the predefined ones.

➮ Here is an example with MenuStyle:

myStyle = MenuStyle('☾', '☽', '➤')
menu = Menu("Sample Menu", items, style=myStyle)

➮ Here is an example with ProgressBarStyle:

myStyle = ProgressBarStyle('□', '■', '')
menu = ProgressBar(length=25, style=myStyle)


This library uses the modules 'os', 'time', and 'keyboard'.

'keyboard' by BoppreH