Awesome Wallpaper App

Welcome to the Awesome Wallpaper App! This Flutter project allows users to explore and set beautiful wallpapers on their devices. The app is designed with responsiveness in mind, ensuring a seamless experience on various screen sizes.


  • Responsive Design: Utilizes flutter_screenutil to ensure a consistent and responsive user interface across different screen sizes and orientations.

  • HTTP Requests: Uses the http package for making HTTP requests to fetch wallpapers from a remote server.

  • Wallpaper Setting: Integrates flutter_wallpaper_manager to enable users to set wallpapers directly from the app to their device's background.

  • Image Caching: Leverages flutter_cache_manager to efficiently store and manage images in the cache, optimizing performance and reducing data usage.

  • Snackbar Display: Implements get for showing informative and user-friendly snackbars.

  • Shimmer Effect: Enhances the user experience with a shimmer effect during image loading using the shimmer package.