
a python app for sending emails to professors to help me in my apply process

Primary LanguagePython


This is a python app to read a list of emails from google sheets and send emails to them at a specific time. I am using this to help myself in my apply process. 😄


Install the dependencies

onpython3its just ok but if there is an error onpython2feel free to report the issue. you can usepip3instead ofpip

pip install gspread oauth2client
pip install schedule

Generate a password for your Gmail

If you don't have a 2-step verification account you can just use your original password, but if you have 2-step verification you can follow this tutorial to create an app password for your account : https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en

Active your google sheet API

By following this tutorial you can make a new API. In the end, you gonna have a jason file and an email address that you should add to your spreadsheet as an editor : https://www.twilio.com/blog/2017/02/an-easy-way-to-read-and-write-to-a-google-spreadsheet-in-python.html

How to init

  • First copy the jason file to the code directory
  • Edit the xxx_passwords.py

fill this strings as it says

        self._my_email = 'my gmail address @gmail.com'
        self._my_email_app_pass = 'my gmail password'
        self._jason_cret_filename = 'jason cret file to access sheet.json'

after editing that comment this line by adding # to first of the line.

raise NameError('edit xxx_password.py file')   # delete or comment this line after you edited this file
  • Edit the xxx_template.py

you must save your resume as a PDF in the code directory. then edit this part and enter your resume file name.

        self._cv_file_name = 'my cv name.pdf'

you can have several templates and subjects for your emails. every each sheet can have a specefic template and subject.

        ####                       for first sheet                      ####
        self._my_template_subject.append('my email subject for first sheet')
Dear Professor {pn},
this is my email for first sheet.
        ####                               end                           ####

by appending more subject and template, you can use multiple templates. if you want to send a template to all sheets just fill the first append.

How to use

call themail_composer.py a sample command is like this :

python mail_composer.py --sheet-number 2  --email-time 18:30,17:30 --workbook-name mysheet  --email-number 150 --prof-col 1 --email-col 2 --log-col 4 --paper-col 3
  • --sheet-number the number of sheets you have in a workbook
  • --email-time time in your os time zone that you want to the code send the emails. you can have a specific time for each sheet. split for every sheet by using,
  • --workbook-name the workbook name that you added the google API email as an editor to it.
  • --email-number the number of emails that will send every day.
  • --prof-col the column of professors name that will be inserted in the template
  • --email-col the column of the emails according to the professor's name
  • --log-col the column that fills with the date of the mail sent
  • --paper-col the column that fills with the related papers of the mail sent