Shelters In Need - You are the Stars

This app is for the all the non profit organizations with shelters and for everyone who can help any needs posted by these organizations. The organizations will create their profile and add the needs/ necessities for their people. Anyone around the world can see the charities or organizations nearby their location and help.


  • Digital Ocean
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • ReactJS
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • PassportJS
  • Nodemailer
  • Materialize CSS
  • Sweet Alerts

File structure overview:

  • client: contains your React front-end.
  • internals: contains helper scripts for building your app.
  • server: your express backend, models, and controllers.

To begin, start in the root directory and run yarn setup. This will install all dependencies for the server and client.

To run: yarn start To deploy: heroku create your-app-name. Then push changes to your repository, then run yarn deploy.