
Downloading the Dataset

The dataset for this project can be downloaded here.

To properly set up the required file structure, unzip and place this folder in the main directory of the repo. This is necessary for running later on and contains the raw, unprocessed versions of each of the three chosen datasets.

Alternatively, if you wish to use the pre-processed dataset and skip the running of, unzip the file and place it in the main directory of the repo before running Please note that data.pkl is a very large file (around 22 GB).

Data Preprocessing

The data processing of the pipeline is performed in

This file processes each of the three datasets by resizing the images and converting from greyscale to RGB where needed. It also concatenates the three datasets together to create a combined dataset and performs a training/validation/test split. The processed dataset is finally saved into a pickle file to be used by

Training Loop

The training of the model is implemented and performed in

The training loop currently uses minibatch gradient descent to optmize the weights of the model.


The results of the first three trials can be seen in the results_trial1, results_trial2, and results_trial3 directories.