
Try to draw the elo-playouts curve of those leelazero networks

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Screen-shot of 40b-elo-playouts Curves Screen-shot of 15b-elo-playouts Curves 权重playouts值对应elo分对照表-基于各自100局对战测试(设定ELFV0 2po为2000)


Try to draw the elo-playouts curve of those leelazero networks.

Based on the elfv0, auto self-fight with the gradual growth of playouts(100 games per fight), 10 vs 2,50 vs 10,100 vs 50 and so on...now max 25600 vs 12800, Define elfv0 2 playouts with 2000 elo, generate baseline elo data.

then use other weights to fight with elfv0 with same playouts(100 games per fight),use the winning percentage to calculate Elo values of the corresponding playouts, Eventually draw the elo-playouts curve.





Automatically save versus, and to save the winrate/playouts of every step.

Same playouts pk:save score, time spending.

Same time pk:save the average playouts.

Parameter adjustment of freedom, the engine can also be freely adjusted.

Going to Python programming, you can change the program whatever you like.




To do list

GUI interface, animate the progress while fighting

Versus breakpoints saved and restored




This program requires python2.X(with gomill) or python3.X(with sgfmill) environment, thanks to Matthew woodcraft's gomill & sgfmill module, also thanks to goreviewpartner project,I am learning a lot of knowledge.

本程序需要python2.x(with gomill) or python3.X(with sgfmill)环境,感谢Matthew Woodcraft的gomill & sgfmill模块。同时感谢goreviewpartner项目,我一直从中学习了许多知识。

How to use

Modify the program, mainly the last paragraph.I noted some detailed description.

Attention:Path to the engine and weights needs to be modified.

Results are automatically saved in PKResult.txt(for same playouts) or PKResult-ST.txt(for same time) file.

Program with same playouts:autoPK.py for python 3.X

Program with same time:autoPK-SameTime.py for python 3.X


同playouts的对战程序为:autoPK.py for python 3.X

同时间的对战程序为:autoPK-SameTime.py for python 3.X

See " # " note to modify config.ini(for same playouts) or config-ST.ini(for same time)

参见“#”注释,修改config.ini(同po) 或者 config-ST.ini(同时间)