Football Matches App

Football Matches App is a mobile application that allows users to view and manage football matches. Users can browse through upcoming matches, mark their favorite matches, and view details of individual matches.


  • View Matches: Users can view a list of upcoming football matches.
  • Favorite Matches: Users can mark matches as favorites and view them in a separate list.
  • Match Details: Users can view detailed information about each match, including teams, scores, and match status.

Technologies Used

  • Swift: The app is built using the Swift programming language.
  • UIKit: The user interface is created using UIKit framework.
  • Core Data: Data persistence is implemented using Core Data framework.
  • RxSwift: Reactive programming is utilized for handling asynchronous events.
  • MVVM Architecture: The app follows the Model-View-ViewModel architectural pattern for better code organization and separation of concerns.


Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 2 10 43 AM Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 2 10 20 AM
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