
MetroBiki | A Blockchain Project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ethereum Track: Blockchain based business web-application to facilitate the trade of bicycles

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Video Links -

https://tinyurl.com/y3g8ewcs (Introduction to Problem | Tech-Stack)
https://tinyurl.com/yxcgvacx (Overview | Front-End | Back-End | Final Implementation | Framework | Truffle | Ganache)
https://tinyurl.com/y2yy4gpx (Back-End Detailed Implementation)

Presentation Link -

https://tinyurl.com/y48kwva8 (Idea Presentation)

Folder Link -

https://tinyurl.com/yy72szg9 (ZIP File | Github Cloned Repository)

Drive Link -

https://tinyurl.com/y6n76axt (Google Drive)

“If we're not a part of the solution, then we're a part of the problem."

Through the busy schedule in our daily lives, we keep living and facing iteratively the problems that could be eradicated in the first place itself. We get caught in the loop of living and facing the problems,

“. . . unless, of course, someone comes up with a solution .” - Team Gauranga


Supply chain management includes the integrated planning as well as the execution of different processes. This involves material flow, information flow as well as financial capital flow but customers who are on the other end have no clue about these various journeys and they just have to blindly trust them.

In recent years, a trend of having personal bicycles has started among the students of our college which is evident from the continuously increasing number of bicycles on the campus. And surprisingly most of them are brand new bicycles, bought fresh from the market. The old system of buying used bicycles has become out-of-date, either due to the communication gap in the student hierarchy system or the non-stop influx of newer models in the market which is leading to a bicycle-flood in the campus. This has given rise to two major problems - first, the increasing load on the infrastructure (cycle stands) to support and store these bicycles and second, wastage of money in buying fresh models when old ones could have been bought at a much lesser price.


The trust issue is solved by blockchain by keeping customers aware of each and every intermediate step and making it more transparent than usual by means of provenance tracking.

As a solution, we have proposed a blockchain based business web-application which will facilitate the trade of used bicycles. It will be extremely beneficial for the entire student community as it will act as the bridge where the buyers and the sellers of old bicycles can get in touch with each other directly without the interference of a third party (Peer to Peer architecture). The decentralised system along with the properties of blockchain ensures Data Transparency, Data Privacy, Data Security and No Scope of Data Corruption at all stages.

The usage of blockchain makes a traceable trail of activities in the system, which prevent the consequences of Data tampering at any stage.

In Layman's term, basically this MetroBiki(or the solution that we propose) is just like OLX. Except the fact that it is not OLX. Instead, it is kind of D-OLX, where the D stands for DECENTRALIZED.



● The handling of details and the storage mechanism was taken care of in the first step.

The Smart Contact Algorithms and different special cases was coded in the language solidity first.
● The .sol files were prepared, namely, Migrations.sol, BicycleBuy.sol, showbalance.sol, Escrow.sol, biketrade01.sol and metrobikitrade.sol.

● The same was transferred to Truffle Framework thereafter.
● On Ganache tests were run and commands executed, and the state was inspected while controlling how the chain operates.
● Front-End was developed in HTML, CSS and JS to facilitate the user these different services.
● The exchange of product goes on with the help of an ether(fuel to keep the transactions going) and an Ethereum Wallet, without the interference and/or manipulation of data/information by any third parties. The seller and buyer are the only entities in the proposed transparent model.


The proposed model can be undoubtedly extended to other products and services like, but not limited to, the following:

  • Exchange of any products(books, confectionary products, any item)


In Healthcare industry, counterfeit drugs in the medical supply chain is a sensitive issue. The main objective would be to empower quality of life by providing universal health-care solutions by creating transparency and by monitoring the route drugs go through till they reach the customers. It would facilitate recording the provenance of a particular medicine/drug’s history on the blockchain platform which in turn would offer much clearer picture of drug’s journey from beginning to the very end.


One of the most talked-about topics in the financial services industry today is Blockchain Banking. If fully adopted, it will enable banks to process payments more quickly and more accurately while reducing transaction processing costs and the requirement for exceptions.

To capitalize on this potential, banks need to build the infrastructure required to create and >operate a true global network using solutions based on this transformative technology.

Blockchain use is, indeed, top of mind among banking sector which lead payments businesses.


Achievements Accomplished Through The Model:

-Leveraged combination of blockchain scaling
-Facilitated service with rabid focus on user experience
-Adopted blockchain in mainstream in Decentralised system

The Hack is LIVE at -




  • Go to https://metrobiki.github.io

  • Login or Signup as a user

  • A dashboard gets opened

  • Click on Buy or Sell

  • In Sell option, there are three suboptions,

    • Cycle Register (Register a cycle to Blockchain)
    • Cycle Report (Post a report of a cycle to Blockchain)
    • Cycle Sale (Add cycle sale agreement to Blockchain) -Choose the desired option.
  • In Buy option, there are three suboptions,

    • Buy (Pull cycle registration from Blockchain)
    • Get Report (Retrieve a cycle report from Blockchain)
    • Get Sale Status (Find cycle sale agreement from Blockchain) -Choose the desired option.
  • There is an icon on the top right hand side, an Ethereum Wallet for every user.

  • Ethereum Wallet

    • Create

      • Ethereum Account Information
        • Account Address
        • Account Balance (In Unit ETH)
        • Reveal (To Reveal the Private Key and the Seed)
      • Logout
    • Restore

      • Enter Wallet Seed to restore
  • The exchange of cycle goes on smoothly with the help of Ethereum Wallet.