
Participating in the #HacktoberFest2021

What is Hacktoberfest ?

Hacktoberfest, in its 8th year, is a month-long celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean, Appwrite, Intel and Deepsource. It consists of challenges that encourages people to contribute to any open source projects. Through this event, we hope to contribute, learn and grow together in the Open-source by participating in Hactoberfest 2021.

What is Open Source ?

Open source refers to source code that is publicly accessible and allows anyone to inspect, modify or learn from it. Open source projects encourage collaboration and the freedom to use the software for any purpose you wish.

The basics of Git and GitHub

  • Checkout for useful links and basic commands related to Git.


  • First you need to get yourself registered for Hacktoberfest. Signup for the Hacktoberfest 2021

  • Now you can search for the available issues for Hacktoberfest on this link and start fixing those and contributing.

  • Or, here’s a simple way to create your first pull request within few minutes with Sigma-Xi's repos, specially made for Hacktoberfest!

  • Add your name to via a pull request

For more info, check out the GitHub Official docs and Hacktoberfest Resources and FAQs

With ❤️ by Sigma Xi VIT