
A terraform module for provisioning Kong GW into kuberenetes.


Prototyping - frequent commits, only a few tests


Using the module

This module utilises the terraform kubernetes provider, so when including this module in your code you will need to specify the provider and args e.g.

provider "kubernetes" {
  config_path = "~/.kube/config"

You will also need to provide secrets to the kubernetes cluster for your kong license and your docker registry. You can look at the hybrid example in the examples directory to see how this can be done.


locals {

  kong_image_pull_secrets = [
      name = "name_of_docker_registry_secret_in_k8"

  kong_volume_mounts = [
      mount_path = "/etc/secrets/kong-cluster-cert"
      name       = "name_of_tls_secrets_in_k8"
      read_only  = true

  kong_volume_secrets = [
      name        = "name_of_tls_secrets_in_k8"
      secret_name = "name_of_tls_secrets_in_k8"

  kong_cp_secret_config = [
      name        = "KONG_LICENSE_DATA"
      secret_name = "name_of_generic_secret_in_k8"
      key         = "name_of_generic_secret_in_k8"

  kong_cp_config = [
      name  = "KONG_ADMIN_LISTEN"
      value = ", ssl"
      name  = "KONG_ADMIN_GUI_AUTH"
      value = "basic-auth"
      name  = "KONG_ADMIN_GUI_LISTEN"
      value = ", ssl"

module "kong-enterprise-control-plane" {
  source              = "git@github.com:Kong/terraform-kubernetes-kong-enterprise.git"
  deployment_name     = "kong-control-plane"
  namespace           = "kong-cp"
  deployment_replicas = 2
  config              = local.kong_cp_config
  secret_config       = local.kong_cp_secret_config
  kong_image          = "kong-docker-kong-enterprise-edition-docker.bintray.io/kong-enterprise-edition:"
  image_pull_secrets  = local.kong_image_pull_secrets
  volume_mounts       = local.kong_volume_mounts
  volume_secrets      = local.kong_volume_secrets

Examples of how to use the module are in the examples directory. Currently two examples exist hybrid and hybrid_with_ingress.

hybrid deploys Kong in hybrid mode and exposes the Kong services via Kubernetes services of type load balancer.

hybrid_with_ingress deploys in hybrid mode but uses kubernetes clusterIP services and exposes those behing a kubernetes ingress service. This example is still a work in progress


This module uses kitchen-terraform to test its self. To install you can use the Gemfile. You will need Ruby (ruby devel needed as well) installed and bundler, then you can run bundle install in the repos home directory

Hybrid Example


  • A kubernetes environment to use with kube config file at ~/.kube/config
  • A docker config.json located at ~/.docker/config.json this file should contain the auth details for your docker registry (e.g. bintray). You can generate this file by running docker login
docker login -u <my-user> -p <my-pass> kong-docker-kong-enterprise-edition-docker.bintray.io
  • A Kong license string in a file at the following location ~/.kong_license

The docker config file and the license file are read in as secrets to kubernetes by the secret_setup.tf terraform


terraform init
terraform apply


terraform destroy