
Twine, a tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

You are reading the README of the develop branch, which is currently being refactored and revised. Much functionality of Twine 2.3.x needs to be restored on this branch, and what is here is still buggy.


by Chris Klimas, Leon Arnott, Daithi O Crualaoich, Ingrid Cheung, Thomas Michael Edwards, Micah Fitch, Juhana Leinonen, Michael Savich, and Ross Smith


This is a port of Twine to a browser and Electron app. See twinery.org for more info.

The story formats in minified format under story-formats/ exist in separate repositories:


Run npm install at the top level of the directory to install all goodies.


Run npm start to begin serving a development version of Twine locally. This server will automatically update with changes you make.

Run npm run start:electron to run a development version of the Electron app. Running this can damage files in your Twine storied folder. Take a backup copy of this folder before proceeding. Most of the app will automatically update as you work, but if you want the app to read story files initially again, you will need to restart the process.

Run npm run start:electron-prod to run the Electron app locally. Unlike npm run start:electron, this packages the application as closely to final release as possible. As a result, code will be minified and debugging will be more difficult.

To create a release, run npm run build. Finished files will be found under dist/. In order to build Windows apps on OS X or Linux, you will need to have Wine and makensis installed. A file named 2.json is created under dist/ which contains information relevant to the autoupdater process, and is currently posted to https://twinery.org/latestversion/2.json.

To run the app in an Electron context, run npm run electron. npm run electron-dev is a bit faster as it skips minification.

npm test will test the source code respectively.

npm run clean will delete existing files in electron-build/ and dist/.


Would you like to help localize Twine for another language? Awesome! You don't need to know JavaScript to do so. Here's how it works:

  1. Download template.pot from the repository.

  2. Use a translation application like Poedit to create a .po file with the source text translated. If you are using Poedit, get started by choosing New from POT/PO File from the File menu. Make sure to name your po file according to the IETF locale naming convention -- Poedit can help suggest that as well. For example, a generic French translation should be named fr.po, while an Australian English one would be named en-au.po.

  3. Finally, two other things are needed: an SVG-formatted image of the flag that should be associated with your language, and what native speakers call the language you are localizing to (e.g. Français for French speakers). Wikimedia Commons is your best bet for nice-looking SVG flags. Obviously, whatever image you provide must either be in the public domain or otherwise OK to use in Twine without any compensation.

  4. If you're comfortable using Git, then you can open a pull request to have your localization added. Please place it in the src/locale/po directory. If you aren't, you can instead open a bug tracker issue and attach your PO file, flag image, and language name and we'll take it from there.